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旋转的鼓动者灌溉他。The rotary agitator irrigated him.

旋转的鼓动者可灌溉的他。The rotary agitator irrigated him.

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旋转的鼓动者使他恼怒。The rotary agitator irritated him.

希特勒无非是个自学出身的街头煽动家罢了。Hitler's just a self-educated street agitator.

当局拘捕了运动的主要煽动者。The authorities arrested the main agitator of the movement.

事故浆液池也装配有一个搅拌器。The emergency storage pit is also equipped with an agitator.

好氧反应器采用传统的射流曝气池。The traditional jet agitator is used as the aerobic reactor.

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诚实的鼓动者对解决某些社会问题是必要的。Honest agitator is necessary to the solution of some social problem.

在这些情况下,为了得到满意的流态化,在流化床中加有搅拌器。For satisfactory fluidization under these conditions an agitator is used in the bed.

乘坐在舰船上小心的一架举起的复滑车把完成的鼓吹者举起到密封的轴。Lift the completed agitator by an lifting tackle careful over the vessel to the sealing shaft.

在煽动者的指挥下暴徒一般规模的暴乱和骚动成为全面战斗。Disorder and rioting became a fullscale battle as the agitator began to direct the mobs actions.

一位女性鼓动者站在讲台上,向周围的男人们充满激情的提出呼吁。A woman agitator stands upon a platform, making an impassioned plea to a surrounding group in men.

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这个情景就像是用搅棍在装满土豆的木桶里搅动清洗一般。This commotion resembles a wooden bucketful of potatoes sloshing around while being washed by the agitator.

为厌氧移动床生物膜反应器搅拌装置的设计提供了参考。This will provide the reference of design for the side cantilever agitator of anaerobic moving bed bio-film reactor.

对DBS类成核剂物料特性进行了分析,选用双轴搅拌干燥器作为干燥设备。The properties of DBS nucleating agents were analyzed, and the double-axial agitator dryer was selected as drying machinery.

今天是索尼娅甘地这辈子花钱最多的一天,为了发动足够多的人抗议,她非常大方地拿出了数以千万计卢比。Today is the most expensive day for Sonia Gandhi her life in order to mobilize enough agitator she has spent thousand of crore.

高粘度酚醛树脂合成反应过程中,为了保证其均匀性,需高速立式搅拌。High speed mainshaft of vertical agitator is needed in the process of high conglutination phenol resins synthesis to keep evenness.

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以针轮摆线减速机为主体的传动装置,是用以驱动搪玻璃反应罐搅拌器的部件。The driving device is the component whose main body is a pin gear Cycloid reducer to drive the agitator of the glass-lined reactor.

副车架是搅拌车的重要部件,其塑性变形及断裂是常见的失效形式。The subframe is an important component of the agitator truck, and its plastic deformation and fracture are both the common failure.

父亲是个清苦的教师联合会的领导,也是一个政治变革的煽动者,周末常在安沙波列哥沙漠裸走。His father was a bitter teachers union organizer and political agitator who spent his weekends hiking nude in the Anza Borrego desert.