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色泽一般是成熟和败坏的标志。Color is commonly an index of ripeness or spoilage.

人,如同我们食用的果实,有他成熟的季节。Man, like the fruit he eats, has his period of ripeness.

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只要有德,当时机成熟,就能树立形象,赢得人敬。With virtue, respect is granted in the ripeness of time.

我能闻到瓜桃熟透了的香甜味道。I could smell the honeyed ripeness of melons and peaches.

农民们按大小和成熟程度采摘苹果,供应市场。The farmers plucked the apples for market as to size and ripeness.

佚名意识到自己的缺点就是正在接近思想的成熟。He who realizes his shortcomings is getting closer to spiritual ripeness.

米歇尔阿尔诺香槟应该有一番风味成熟,而且大量的酸度。Michel Arnaud champagne should have a flavor ripeness but also plenty of acidity.

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尽管没有华丽和成熟的特性,但此酒显现的非常的精细和集中。Despite the ripeness and voluptuous personality, this wine is precise and focused.

几种类型的干切削的使用,但有区别的,由成熟的木材。Several types of stem cutting are used, differentiated by the ripeness of the wood.

让苹果压弯屋旁青苔覆盖的树干,让所有的果子从里到外熟透飘香。To bend with apples the mossed cottage-trees, And fill all with ripeness to the core.

认为影响桃果实絮败的主要因素是贮藏温度、品种、成熟度等。The main factors affecting the mealiness are temperature, cultivar and the fruit ripeness.

年轻人拥有春天的美,老年人则显示了秋天的坦荡和成熟.The young possess the beauty of spring, and the old show frankness and ripeness of autumn.

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然后你可以在秋天的艳阳下慢慢采摘你的已经达到最佳成熟度的果子。Then you could harvest at leisure and at optimum ripeness all through the sunny autumn days.

沙棘根蘖与植株生长势及根系成熟程度有关。The suckering of seabuckthorn is related to the growth vigor of slocks and the root ripeness.

这些酒都是采用波尔多和朗古度湖斯朗最优质、最成熟的葡萄酿造而成。The wines were made from the optimum ripeness grapes grown in Bordeaux and Langoudoc-Roussillon.

本文研究了番茄果实不同成熟度的种子发芽率和千粒重。The germination percent and thousand seed weight of different ripeness of tomato fruit were studied.

他们望着从翠绿的田野和成熟的庄稼地上冉冉升起的夏日里淡灰色的水汽。They looked at the faint grey vapour of summer steaming off from the greenness and ripeness of the fields.

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随着这些技术的逐渐成熟,怎样在商业活动中利用它们为企业的决策服务的开发研究活动正在成为热点。As the ripeness of these techniques, the research, how to make them serve enterprise, has been more and more popular.

在本研究中,腊熟期种子休眠的白粒地方品种“宜宾白麦子”最抗穗发芽。White native variety "Yibin Baimaizi" with dormancy at wax ripeness was the most resistant to sprouting in this study.

笔者认为,从延安鲁艺的创办到“延安模式”的形成与确立,之间有一个具体的过程。The writer thinks that there should be a specific process from the start to taking shape and ripeness of"the Yan'an Model".