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你只是渴望这个人。You just crave this person.

这就是他们最渴望得到的。Tahts what they crave the most.

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你渴望他人的感同身受。You crave the touch from another.

缬不奢求永远,因为太远。Not crave forever, because too far.

我习惯你的温暖,我眷恋着不忘。I used your warmth, I crave not forget.

你决不会渴望吃自己从没吃过的东西。You never crave foods you have not tasted.

渴望更多的空间战斗?Crave more white-knuckle space dog-fighting?

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因为他们渴望戏剧般精彩的生活,流言,秘密。It is because they crave drama, gossip, secrets.

下午我会想吃一些甜的东西。In the afternoon I usually crave something sweet.

更糟的是,吃得愈咸会使你想吃更多盐!Worse yet, eating salt makes you crave more salt!

难道哈辛托不渴望有汽车,房子和餐厅吗?Doesn't Jacinto crave cars, houses and restaurants?

也许回不去了,请你不要再奢求什么了。Maybe we can't go back, please do not crave nothing.

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当女人渴望食物时,他们倾向于渴望巧克力。When women crave food, they tend to desire chocolate.

而存在于这种体验之中的相互关系正是我们每一个人所渴求的。It is the mutuality of this experience that we each crave.

不过如果你渴望终极享受的话,这就是你梦想中的国度!But if you crave the ultimate, this is your fantasy island!

无论男女,性成瘾者都渴望亲密行为。Whether male or female, sex addicts usually crave intimacy.

如果你早晨起来闻到咖啡香,你就会想来一杯。If you wake up and smell coffee, you'll innately crave a cup.

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自闭症儿童渴望某些触觉刺激。Children with autism are said to crave certain tactile stimuli.

难道我们不能悔过自新,渴望重建联盟吗?Do not we become penitent and remorseful and crave for reunion?

我们渴望拥抱和牵手,可能比你们还要强烈。We crave cuddling and hand-holding, maybe even more than you do.