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慢步林间,和你的聊天又浮现眼前。Jog trot forest, and your chat again surfacing.

我看到这种忧虑已显露在网上。I am seeing such concerns already surfacing on the Web.

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在门厅使用人工大理石进行贴面。Laying of the reconstituted stone surfacing in the foyer.

铜合金氩弧焊及钢的堆焊用。Argon arc welding of copper alloys and surfacing of steel.

你会看到哪些目标不断浮现而哪些逐渐消失。You’ll see what goals keep surfacing and what goals vanish.

而微表处对改善路面的防水性能最为显著。The pavement leaking is serious and need waterproof surfacing.

这里只轻描淡写地提了几个企业里的问题。These are just a few of the issues surfacing in the enterprise.

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某公司承制了两台包括硬质合金堆焊的设备。Two equipments with surfacing of hominess alloy were maufactured.

某公司承制了两台包括硬质合金堆焊的设备。Two equipments with surfacing of horniness alloy were maufactured.

除呈现数据以外,这些组件还可以呈现业务逻辑。Aside from surfacing data, these components can also surface business logic.

近来企业并购交易浪潮持续不断,出现了几宗新的收购案。The recent flurry of M&A deals continued, with several new tie-ups surfacing.

powerset创新之一是语义表面化于用户界面。One of the Powerset innovations is surfacing of semantics to the user interface.

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对堆焊材料的工艺性作了比较,给出了堆焊材料相对耐磨性试验的结果。And the testing result of surfacing material relative wear-resisting is come out.

镍铜,用于镍铜、镍铜与钢的焊接与堆??。Copper nickel. Welding and surfacing of copper nickel and copper nickel to steel.

最后,介绍了试验工程的铺筑和使用情况。Finally introduce the surfacing and the service condition of the experiment road.

讨论了对磨损机械零件进行自动电弧焊堆焊的问题。The problem of automatic surfacing with arc welding of worn machine parts is discussed.

研制了一种用于TIG模具堆焊的马氏体时效钢金属粉芯焊丝。A new type of maraging steel metal powder-cored wire for die TIG surfacing is developed.

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卡萨斯提出在主卫采用喷沙固体饰面处理。Casas came up with the idea of sandblasting the solid surfacing for the master bathroom.

研制了一种用于TIG堆焊的时效硬化工具合金金属粉芯焊丝。A new type of age hardening alloy metal powder-cored wire for TIG surfacing is developed.

当出发跳水的滑行速度下降到游进速度时就应该浮出水面。Time surfacing with when the velocity of the dive declines and reaches swimming velocity.