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我很害怕。I'm scared.

医管局,我害怕。Ha, scared me.

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我都六神无主了。I got so scared.

我很害怕。I was so scared.

天哪,我害怕极了。God, I was scared.

它使我感到害怕。It made me scared.

我都吓傻了。I was scared silly.

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吓死我了。我怕得要死。I'm scared to death.

这总是使他害怕。It always scared him.

人们非常害怕。People are so scared.

她对此感到恐慌。She felt scared at it.

他看起来有一点受惊了。He looked a bit scared.

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你吓死我了。You scared me to death.

他天不怕地不怕。He is scared of nothing.

瞧把你吓成那样。Look how scared you are.

有时候我好害怕。Sometines I feel scared.

他看起来怕得要命。He looks scared to death.

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我哭了,因为我害怕。I cry because I am scared.

我真希望我现在没有这么害怕。I wish I wasn't so scared.

惊起一滩鸥鹭。Scared up a pool of gulls.