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卡尔地夫在伦敦的西边。Cardiff is to the west of London.

我叫安鸠·斯皮蒂,出生在英国加的夫。And I am Andrew Speedy, of cardiff.

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加的夫位于威尔士的南海岸。Cardiff is on the south coast of Wales.

在我面前的是巍巍壮观的加的夫巨人!The majestic Cardiff Giant loomed above me!

并管理卡迪佛威尔士QC实验室。He managed the All Wales QC laboratory in Cardiff.

加迪夫喜欢在地面传球,打配合。Cardiff like to get the ball down and play football.

贝琳达在加的夫的家人悲伤得无以言语。Belinda's family in Cardiff have been too upset to speak.

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前往新港和加的夫的旅客请在布里斯托大道换车。Passengers for Newport and Cardiff change at Bristol Parkway.

他会因为在加迪夫的优异表现而被安菲尔德永远铭记。He will always be remembered at Anfield for that Cardiff belter.

但遗憾的是,他没能活着看到凯莉米洛在加地夫的那场演唱会。But then again, he didn't live to see Kylie Minogue play Cardiff.

下次活动将于2011年春季在卡迪夫城市广场举行。The next event is to be held in Spring 2011 at Cardiff City Hall.

的概念夫巴陵比赛一样,在洞庭湖。To the concept of Cardiff Baling win like that in a Lake Dongting.

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在去年五月在加迪夫阿森纳点球击败曼联后夺得了足总杯。In May they triumphed over Manchester United on penalties in Cardiff.

曼彻斯特城队的前锋克拉格·贝拉米想要回到卡迪夫城队。Manchester City striker Craig Bellamy wants to return to Cardiff City.

卡蒂夫巨人是美国历史上最有名的骗局之一。The Cardiff Giant is one of the most famous hoaxes in American history.

哈里·柯林斯就职于英国加的夫大学社会科学学院。Harry Collins is at the school of social sciences at Cardiff University, UK.

他是威尔士卡迪夫大学生物科学院的院长。He is director of the School of Biosciences at Cardiff University in Wales.

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Roasty晚上从没去过Cardiff,尽管那儿离Bettws只有25英里远。Roasty has never been to Cardiff at night, even though it’s only 25 miles from Bettws.

真正的加的夫巨人石像放在奥尔巴尼。可恶!You have been haunting a plaster cast of yourself- the real Cardiff Giant is in Albany.

布里斯托尔,利兹,纽卡斯尔,挪利其,曼彻斯特和加地夫紧随其后占据前十。Bristol, Leeds, Newcastle, Norwich, Manchester and Cardiff make up the rest of the top 10.