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还可以使它奇妙点儿。You can get a little fancier.

票友之家,但残破的家园。Fancier houses, but broken homes.

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房间华丽但家庭破裂的时代。Of fancier houses, but broken homes.

居室越来越华丽,家庭却残缺破碎。We have fancier houses, but broken homes.

当您改进的时候可以获得一点兴趣。You can get a little fancier as you refine.

但请注意现在我变得有点兴趣了。But notice now I'm getting a little fancier.

一书烦故书,七字更新奇。A book so annoying book, Seven Words fancier.

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这件太普通了。你有华丽点儿的吗?It's too plain. Do you have anything fancier?

为鸟友之间伟大而深厚的情谊干杯。Cheers for the great and deep friendship of canorus fancier.

票友卡和数字定义的RPG发展的第二阶段。Fancier cards and figures defined second stage of rpg development.

用太多药物管理他的鸽子的鸽友,将会永远毁掉鸽子。A fancier who administers too much medicine ruins his birds forever.

也就是说这个布雷特家族四代人都养鸽。All with pigeon fancier in all four generations, it is something rare.

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该公司还计划把“大城车辆”扩展成更精致的混合运动车。The company also has plans to expand the MCV into a fancier hybrid sports car.

事实上我们需要引入,比老鼠杠杆机器更奇妙的东西。But indeed, we'll need to move to something fancier than the rat lever machine.

对于甚至有点奇特的代码片段,您可以使用支持循环的控制结构。For even fancier snippets, you can use control structures that support looping.

有一天,我喜欢懦弱,汉堡包在大力水手水手事件空想家看看。One day I look like Wimpy, the hamburger fancier in the Popeye the Sailor saga.

但是除了伦敦的高端市场,全国市场似乎仍然相当脆弱。But beyond the fancier bits of London, the national market still looks rather frail.

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如果你追逐更多的金钱或是更有趣的工作,想想背后的动机何在?If you’ve been chasing more money, or a fancier job title, what’s the motivation behind it?

几年前我在一家刚开业的饭店工作,那里的人很是自命不凡。A fledgling restaurant I worked for many years ago liked to think it was fancier than it was.

比较奇特一点的也行,比如“你的脸能发动千艘大船。”Or something fancier and all la-di-dah, like 'You're the face that launched a thousand ships.'