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本片荣获奥斯卡最佳音响奖和最佳摄影奖。It won two Oscar awards for Best Sound and Best Cinematography.

最佳摄影给达利厄斯·孔济的黑银色的阴影世界?Best cinematography for Darius Khondji's silver-black shadowworld?

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全片对电影技法的运用流畅自如,余力为娴熟的摄影功底功不可没。The film is a pretty smooth technical package with crisp cinematography from Yu Lik Wai.

这是哈利波特系列中第一部被提名奥斯卡最佳摄影奖的作品。It was the first film in the Harry Potter series to be nominated for a Cinematography Oscar.

对于我来说,进入美国电影摄影协会对我在电影摄影领域提出了更高的要求和标准。To me, ASC membership represents excellence and high standards in the field of cinematography.

这部片摄影品质相当好,除了片头出现轻微摇晃。The quality of the cinematography is quite good, except for a little shakiness in the beginning.

演员于电影书写可能类之于身处异国。他不能说他自己的语言。An actor in cinematography might as well be in a foreign country. He does not speak its language.

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它还赢得了最佳摄影,最佳艺术指导以及最佳服装造型设计奖。It also won awards for best cinematography , best art direction and best costume and makeup design.

“阿凡达”赢得了3项奥斯卡,但是是在技术分类上–视觉效果、摄影奖、艺术指导。"Avatar" earned 3 Oscars, but in technical categories — visual effects, cinematography and art direction.

该片在圣丹斯电影节首映后,便荣获2009年圣丹斯电影节人民选择奖和摄影奖两项大奖。An Education won the Audience Choice award and the Cinematography award at the 2009 Sundance Film Festival.

在包含数位特效的电影或电脑动画中,灯光设计一直是个耗时又耗力的过程。In computer cinematography and animation, the process of lighting design is time consuming and labor intensive.

电影的摄影技巧比大多数影片要出色,尤其是最后一幕结局的出人意料。The cinematography was better than average through most of film but gets turned up a notch for this last scene.

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然而他毅然决然的将自己的摄影作品交给了北京电影学院,最终他幸运的踏进了北京电影学院摄影系。Undaunted, he offered his portfolio of photographic works and was admitted to the department of cinematography.

阿凡达得了最佳视觉效果和最佳摄影奖,没有得最佳影片奖。Avatar got the Best Visual Effects Award and the Best Cinematography Award. It didn't win the Best Picture Award.

徐克导演偏爱在电影框架里运用使人眼花缭乱的拍摄手法和美得惊心动魄的武打设计。Director Tsui Hark lovingly fills every frame with lush cinematography and astoundingly elegant fight choreography.

高超的电影技术美妙地转变成3D图像,把观众带到古老的埃及。The cinematography beautifully translates into three dimensions, whisking audiences into the world of ancient Egypt.

除了在世界各地旅行和摄影,林在英格兰学电影摄影之前还教过汉语。In addition to traveling and photographing all over the world, Lam taught Chinese before he studied cinematography in England.

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这部电影之所被视为一种冒险,部分是由于这部片子采用的摄影技术带来的超现实性可能会令观影者感到不安。The film is considered a risk partly because the hyper-reality lent by the cinematography technology could be unsettling to viewers.

本片从未沦为情节剧,故事以讽刺性的曲解、史温顿出色的演技,令人回忆的摄影得到维系。Never sinking into melodrama, the story is buoyed by ironic twists, Swinton's considerable acting ability, and evocative cinematography.

法国的“无福之地”夺得最佳摄影奖,韩国电影“电影就是电影”荣获最佳音乐奖。France's "Nowhere Promised Land" clinched best cinematography and the South Korean drama "Rough Cut" was honored for the best music score.