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莫丝有了一只新负鼠。Moth had a new possum.

休想拿走我的负鼠。About taking my possum.

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你要用那个对付负鼠?。Is that for the possum?

装死或假装睡。Possum or pretend to sleep.

一只白鼻心躺在鸢尾兰区。A possum laid down the bearded iris field.

阿狗冲我们面前咬死一只白鼻心。The dog killed a possum right in front of us.

一天,负鼠妈妈带裘裘出去练习。One day, a possum mother took chocho out practice.

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要不然就是大猩猩,或者负鼠或还是什么其它倒霉玩意儿?Or it was possibly an ape or possum or some such shit?

“我给你带来了一件东西,”他说,这时负鼠已经开始让他们感到厌烦了。"I brought you something, " he said, when the possum began to bore them.

莫丝把婴儿丢到桌子上,砰的一声让负鼠吓了一跳。Moth tossed the baby onto the table with a thunk that startled the possum.

在澳大利亚,负鼠被追赶的时候一般都会躲在橡胶树上。In Austrlia, the possum commonly hides up a gum tree when it is being chased.

负鼠在30摄氏度以上的环境中,活不过五个小时。The possum cannot survive much more than five hours at temperatures over 30C.

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北昆士兰州的白狐猴负鼠消失在人们的视线里已经有3年了。The white lemuroid possum of northern Queensland hasn't been seen in three years

钟表匠想,莫丝对负鼠的实验有可能很快也结束了。The clockmaker figured Moth's experiment with her possum was also likely to end soon.

它应该和奶油负鼠与鸭子王朝巧克力放到一个礼品篮子里。This should be in a gift basket with the creamed possum and the Duck Dynasty chocolates.

他抓住一棵树,支撑着自己,点上了那盏旧马灯,以驱散笼罩过来的黑暗。Grabbing a tree for support, he lit the old possum lantern against the oncoming darkness.

她装睡逃过了一劫,而亨嘟的画像这时分正好压在她身上。She possum escaped a robbery, but the portrait that awaited hendricks du just pressure upon her.

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还好,烧烤在美丽的日落景色中结束了,期间还有一只友好的袋鼠加入到我们的晚餐中来。However, a beautiful sunset completes our barbecue scene and a friendly possum joins us for supper.

也许我们也应该把白狐猴负鼠作为全球变暖的受害者代表。Perhaps we should also adopt the white lemuroid possum as an icon for the victims of global warming.

P-POSSUM能准确地预测手术死亡率,对于高危组患者的预测结果尤为满意。The predicted results of POSSUM and P-POSSUM scoring system are satisfactory in the high risk group.