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但成果的实现过程缓慢。But results have been slow to materialize.

我认为他的计划永远不会实现。I don't think his plans will ever materialize.

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抱怨也从来没有见诸行动。Never do the complaints materialize in action.

这种期望也会推动洛桑森格去实现变革。This hope will push him for the change to materialize.

更改在更改后的对象重新组织时实现。The changes materialize when the altered objects are reorganized.

那么,当那些“创纪录的收成”不再出现时会发生什么?So what happens when those “record harvests” no longer materialize?

如果你方的价格做得开的话,我们相信能成大生意。If your prices are in line, we trust important business can materialize.

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圆顶城市和会飞的汽车并未出现。The domed cities and flying cars we expected have failed to materialize.

而手机好像越来越多的实现了人们最疯狂的梦想。More and more, mobile phones seem to materialize out of our wildest dreams.

然而所预期刺激经济的市政投资此倍数效果并未实现。However the expected multiplier effect from pump-priming did not materialize.

我们预计能够从新IR中获得收益还要花上一段时间。We expect that it'll be a while before the benefits of the new IR will materialize.

一个好的园丁不会揠苗助长,而会耐心等待,因此我们必须有耐心。A well-cultivated garden does not materialize overnight. It takes time so we must be patient.

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它们来到一家本地酒吧,朋友要它设法当众进入女厕所,以证明自己。His disbelieving friend challenges him to materialize in the women's bathroom of a local bar.

而卢浮宫花园使他们的交集具象化,就像是对鲜活的记忆进行了大量的提纯。The Louvre gardens materialize at their intersection like so many extracts of a living memory.

后续将在明年成型,具体是圣安东尼奥制定一个新中国计划。The follow-through will materialize next year in the form of a new China plan for San Antonio.

美国海军确实登陆了,但是针对日本人的灭绝性大屠杀并没有发生。The American navy did land, but the wholesale massacre of the Japanese people did not materialize.

索引负载将开始减少,并且您将看到一个优秀的压缩率。Index overhead would start to reduce, and you would see a good compression rate begin to materialize.

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主动挖掘预防措施,努力做到防患于未然。Prepare for the latent dangers before they materialize by seeking for preventive measures pro-actively.

他里面所散发出来的文化气息和人情味儿无疑会对我们有所启迪。It is no doubt that they materialize the atmosphere of culture and humanity, and these will enlighten us.

不过,费伯想象的那种食物辐射成为普遍问题的未来,还没有成真。However, Ferber's imagined future, where radiation in food is a widespread problem, is yet to materialize.