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我是拿破仑!Je suis,Napoleon!

我要往里昂打电话,对方付费。Je voudrais tl phoner Lyon, en PCV.

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他的这齣新戏有些地方真是妙不可言。His new play has a certain je ne sais quoi.

巴黎我爱你,但我更爱我母亲。Je t’aime Paris, but I love my mother more.

当然,讲法语的人听到"我不知道"时,是会感觉到停顿的And you-- And now a French speaker, of course, hears "Je ne sais pas."

规划教材生理学,人民卫生出版社,2000。Guyton AC, Hall JE. 2000. Text book of medical physiology. 10th edition.

拿破仑在病榻上死去,在天堂醒来,说我是拿破仑。Napoleon dies on his death bed,wakes up in heaven saying Je suis Napoleon.

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疾病未治愈期间,最好不要注射乙脑预防针。Disease is not cured during the period, it is best not to JE vaccine injection.

有了这份工作,我就不缺钱了。Avec ce travail, je ne manqu'rai pas d'argent. With this job, I won't lack money.

这地方看上去相当破旧,但确实有一种难以形容的美。The place looks pretty old and crumbly, but it does have a certain je ne sais quoi.

巴黎我爱你,但我更爱我母亲。15年后她终于把我带来了!Je t’aime Paris, but I love my mother more. After 15 years she finally brought me along!

过去乙脑主要在亚洲和东南亚的一些国家流行。JE epidemic occurred mainly in Asia and some of the Southeast Asian countries in the past.

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Basu说乙脑是穷国的被忽视疾病,很少有科学家研究这种疾病。JE is a neglected disease of poor countries, with few scientists working on it, says Basu.

卡门小提袋以其简洁的设计,明朗的风格,深受广大JE女郎的喜爱。Carmen tote-bag, with its simple design, clear style, easily captures the heart of JE girls.

因此,控制猪的JE不仅对养猪业而且对人类健康都具有十分重要的意义。Therefore prevention of JE in swine can benefit for swine production and health of human being.

尽管这尊雕塑有瑕疵,但某种无法言说的东西赋予了它魅力。Although the sculpture had flaws, it also had a certain je ne sais quoi that made it very appealing.

用胃癌细胞株GC32,对乙型脑炎、基孔肯雅、兰加特病毒进行敏感性研究。GC32 cell line established by authors from a carcinoma patient is susceptible to JE and Chikungunya.

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三带喙库蚊和伪杂鳞库蚊可能是当地乙型脑炎病毒的传播媒介。C. tritaeniorhy nchus and C. pesudovishnui are considered to be transmitting vector of JE virus in Jinping.

预计到2012年,全球对该疫苗的需求量将超过目前量的2倍。The anticipated global demand for JE vaccine in 2012 is expected to exceed the present requirement twofold.

不管怎样他和马杜罗交朋友都是在浪费时间,因为他把失败怪到其他人头上。In any case its a waste of time to make friends with Maduro because je needs to blame his failures on others.