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这就是安静时的rock先生。This is Mr. Rock in repose.

给他挣来了一夜的酣畅。Has as earned a night's repose.

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雕像安放在台座上。The statue repose on a pedestal.

当她呼气的时候,脸孔定格在了安详的表情。As she exhaled, her face settled into repose.

我白天不能放松,晚上又不得安息。By day I find no relief, nor repose by night.

因此,特向老子请准暂回旅馆休息。So, he asked to leave and repose in the hotel.

休息了几秒钟后,她再走。After some seconds of repose she set out again.

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不安的心,这时候该在怀里憩息Dear restless heart, repose upon His breast this hour

人子却没有安枕歇息的地方But the son of man has nowhere to lay his head and gain repose.

她无情无绪、老老实实地听从了那个人让她等候的手势。She obeyed the signal to wait for him with unspeculative repose.

休息时,耳朵向前折叠,呈半立耳姿态。When in repose the ears are folded lengthwise and thrown back into the frill.

走,先回我神殿休息休息,我都快想死你了!Walk, return to my sanctuary repose 1st recess, I almost ambitioned to dead you!

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当夜晚来临我躲进山洞,哪里我觉得我可以安全的睡觉。When night came on I went into I cave, where I thought I might repose in safety.

铭记飞雪,一切被无声掩埋的事物,暂时休憩。Engrave flying snow, all events that being covered in silence, repose temporally.

我坚持要马上有一个安身之处和供我休息的设备。I insisted on being provided instantly with a place of refuge, and means of repose.

的安宁或者一个犯过大错的人的悔过自新,决不应该依靠同类。A wander's repose or a sinner's reformation should never depend on a fellow-creature.

英国——马驹胎儿漂浮在广口瓶中,象一个雕刻成睡眠的瓷器雕像。England—Like a porcelain figurine carved into repose , the fetus of a foal floats in a jar.

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在亚速尔群岛附近,大西洋表面太阳照射不到的地方,抹香鲸垂直着身体休息。Near the Azores, just below the sunlit Atlantic surface, sperm whales float in vertical repose.

将这世界视为是神自己的活动与展现,则你将会安住于无二元性的本我中。See this world as play and as a display of God Himself and you will repose in the Non-Dual Self.

在冉阿让的镇定里,仿佛真有从此长眠的意味。It seemed as though something of the repose of the dead entered into Jean Valjean's tranquillity.