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这是迄今为止国内发现的最大的一座千层石假山盆景。This is by far the largest domestic found qianceng stone rockery miniascape.

在红富士苹果盆景的生产过程中,存在果锈发生严重的问题。There were some very serious fruit peel rusts of Fuji apple miniascape in its production.

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具体说明了花桃盆景的培育过程和催花技术。The breeding process of peachblossom miniascape and the flower forcing technique were reviewed.

孙祥,在制作水旱。山水。树桩盆景方面非常独到。Sun Xiang, in respect of miniascape of drought of the water that make, landscape, stub very original.

流花西苑是广州著名的盆景园,也是岭南园林的精品。The west garden in Liuhua Park is a famous miniascape garden and one of the excellence Lingnan Gardens.

国内最大千层石假山盆景高4.2米,于几天前制造完结。Domestic stone rockery miniascape is 4.2 meters high, the whole layer in manufacturing over a few days ago.

目前,枣树盆景在花卉市场上风头正劲,备受种植户和经销商的追逐。Current, jujube miniascape is on flowers market limelight strong, suffer fully cultivate an angle with agency.

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说话的是西安盆景园温室里资格最老,倍受游人青睐的首席盆景“五针松”。Said the chief bonsai 'Five Needle Pine' which had the eldest longevity in Xi'An miniascape garden And was favored most by the tourists.

而假山是山石盆景中的主体,也只要完成了假山的制造,才干组合成完好的山石盆景。The rockery is the main rocks bonsai, also as long as the completion of the rockery manufacture, can combined into intact rocks miniascape.

盆景是中国传统的艺术珍品,有着悠久的历史,深受广大人民的喜爱,在世界上也享有声誉。Miniascape is the artistic curiosa of Chinese tradition, having long history, get of numerous people love, also enjoy reputation on the world.

一路上,我们不断地看到农家热情地招呼着我们,大棚外都摆着一盆盆红红的草莓,让人看上去真想马上大咬一口。Along the way, we continue to see farmers warmly greeted us, outside can put miniascape of strawberry red, let a person look really want to bite.

把叶片和花蕊整理好然后装在山水盆景上即成一盆栩栩如生的银蛇狂舞的水仙盆景。Had arranged blade and stamen install next go up in landscape miniascape become the narcissus miniascape of a lifelike silver-colored snake mad dance namely.

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这些野生观赏树木可以在园林绿化中作为行道树或庭荫树栽培,也可做园景树在园林中孤植或片植,用作垂直绿化和制作桩景。They can be used as street tree, overshadow tree, plant alone or agminate in gardens. They can be planted for vertical virescence, and he made to miniascape also.