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罗斯科李布朗叙述。Narrated by Roscoe Lee Browne.

一位是参议员罗斯科·康克林。One was Senator Roscoe Conkling.

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罗斯科·海沃德和亚历克斯·范德沃特将向董事会致词。Roscoe Heyward and Alex Vandervoort would address the board.

同时,年轻的罗斯科学会赌博,礼貌的邦妮。Meanwhile, young Roscoe learns how to gamble, courtesy of Bonnie.

一个是参议员罗素可-康克林,另一位是参议员詹姆斯-布莱尔。One was Senator Roscoe Conkling, the other was Senator James Blaine.

我会提前和酒店负责订餐的服务员打招呼。I'll advance and hotel is responsible for the waiter roscoe say" hello ".

美国社会法学派最具代表性人物是罗斯科。庞德。Perhaps the leading exponent of sociological jurisprudence was Roscoe Pound.

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毕竟,副总统切斯特·阿瑟也支持罗斯科·康克林。After all, the vice president, Chester Arthur, supported Roscoe Conkling, too.

罗斯科研究盈方一览表就象作曲家熟读乐谱。Roscoe can read a profit and loss statement the way a symphonist reads a score.

她被授予最佳住宅设计座位1988年罗斯科奖。She was awarded the Roscoe award for Best Design in residential seating in 1988.

开枪的时候,他叫喊着他支持罗斯科·康克林的“政治机器”。When he fired the gun, he shouted that he supported Roscoe Conkling's political machine.

这名刺客是查尔斯·吉托。开枪的时候,他叫喊着他支持罗斯科·康克林的“政治机器”。The assassin was Charles Guiteau. When he fired the gun, he shouted that he supported Roscoe Conkling's political machine.

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历史上没有任何证据表明罗斯科·康克林,切斯特·阿瑟,或者其他的政治领袖参与了刺杀行动。History has provided no evidence that Roscoe Conkling, Chester Arthur, or any other political leader had a part in the shooting.

对生姜多糖的体外抗氧化性进行了研究,并采用薄层色谱法分析生姜多糖的单糖组成。The antioxidant and monosaccharide composition with thin-layer chromatography of Zingiber officinale Roscoe polysaccharide was studied.

在庞德看来,历史上各种法律哲学和法律思想存在着一个一般性的思想谱系。According to Roscoe Pound's opinion, there is a general thinking pedigree among the legal philosophies and legal ideals in human history.

庞德作为中国近代被政府聘请的最后一位外国法律专家,被南京国民政府视为合适人选有其内在原因。Roscoe Pound was considered reasonable to be the right person as a foreign expert of law employed by the Nanjing National Government of modern China.

庞德作为中国近代被政府聘请的最后一位外国法律专家,被南京国民政府视为合适人选有其内在原因。Roscoe Pound was considered reasonable to be the right person as a foreign expert of law employed by the the Naijing National Government of modern China.

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“好,我希望你满意现在的”她听到她的权利,她发现酚、兔垂挂蠕蠕以上坦克十分恶劣多彩小虫。Well I hope you're satisfied NOW" she heard to her right where she found Roscoe Rabbit dangling and wiggling above a tank of very nasty multi-colored worms."

但他的话引起了许多人怀疑是否真有别人参与了这起刺杀,毕竟,副总统切斯特.亚瑟也是支持康克林的。But the words he shouted caused many people to wonder if others might be involved. After all, the vice president -- Chester Arthur -- supported Roscoe Conkling, too.

当时的另一位州参议员罗斯科·康克林,也亲见了自己与罗得岛前州长之妻通奸的事占满时报整个头版。Meanwhile, the state’s other senator, Roscoe Conkling, had seen his own affair—with the wife of a former governor of Rhode Island—splashed across the front page of The Times.