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尾座鹅毛笔直径。Tailstock quill dia.

脱水胡萝卜片。Dried Carrot Slices of nature dia.

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女王蜂直径和乌代,他们是堂兄弟。They are cousins of "Queen Bee" Dia and Uday.

在面对塞尔维亚上演帽子戏法之后感觉如何?Qué tal el día después de su hat-trick a Serbia?

如果我们将“diaper”这个词拆分,那么我们将得到“dia”和“aspros”两个词。If we break the word diaper in two we get dia and aspros.

滚轮直径203毫米,宽50毫米,具有20毫米厚的橡胶外缘。Rolling wheel dia. 203 mm, width 50 mm with 20 mm rubber layer.

那包括在测量直径之前排校准环规。That includes aligning the ring gauge before measuring for dia.

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液压剪,双刃剪,冲模,正方切剪设定。Hydraulic shear-dual, DIA set, resquaring shear set-down out type.

在达卡,塞纳噶尔,商人缔尔每天早上都会购买面包。In Dakar, Senegal , businessman Aliou Dia buys bread every morning.

今天,你的军衔被晋升为上尉迪亚·范迪,好样的。Today, you are promoted to the rank of captain. Dia Vandy. boss man.

附载的图形并不一定按比例绘画。The dia grams in this examination are not necessarily drawn to scale.

CIFA作为法律执行机构的定位并未转移到国家情报局。CIFA's designation as a law enforcement activity did not transfer to DIA.

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CIFA作为法律执行机构的定位并未转移到国家情报局。CIFA’s designation as a law enforcement activity did not transfer to DIA.

订货时请明电缆标称截面,绝缘外径,铠装或非铠装电缆。All the cable section , insulation Dia. ar. armored or not should be signed.

Dia还补充道,达喀尔的需水量为29.5万立方米,设施所能提供的水量为30万立方米。Dia also added that Dakar needs 295, 000 cubic meters and utilities provide 300, 000.

直径米尔扎在很短的,提取穿着暴露在发油推出她雪花腿。Dia Mirza in a short, fetching dress exposing her alabaster legs at a hair oil launch.

同样请告知你们能做螺杆的最大长度和直径是多少?Also inform us what is the maximum size of screws you can make in terms of length and dia.

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框架剪力墙结构,大直径人工挖孔嵌岩桩基础。It adopts frame shear wall structure and large dia. boring and rock inlaid pile foundation.

这些馒头在全市范围内销售,包括大型超市如华联,联华和迪亚天天。These were then sold across the city, including large supermarkets such as Hualian, Lianhua and Dia.

维基百科,是任何人都可以编辑的免费的百科全书,是最被广泛知道的百科全书。Wikip e dia , the free inside podia encyclopedia th at anyone can add it edit, is the best known wiki.