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鼓励复制者,复制学术贴也可获得奖励。Copying academical articles are also encouraged and rewarded.

介绍了王樟连教授针灸学术思想。Professor Wang, s academical thought about Acu-Moxibustion are introduced.

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高校学报是各类学术论文按照一定规律组合起来的有机整体。College transaction is an organism made up of all kinds of academical papers.

阐述了作物灰色育种学产生的学术背景。The academical background of creating crop grey breeding science was expounded.

期刊的特色主要通过整体面貌、风格、水平来体现。The characteristics of a periodical is shown by its overall visage, style and academical level.

以上算法无论在理论研究还是实际应用方面都具有重要价值。The above algorithms have very important academical value in either theory or in practicability.

目的了解青少年学习成绩与心理卫生之间的关系。Objective To examine the relationship between academical achievement and mental health of adolescents.

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目的了解中学生学习成绩与心理健康之间的关系。OBJECTIVE To examine the relationship between academical achievement and mental health of middle school students.

我国的美术教育体系培养了一代代优秀的画家,但却带有明显的学院派弊病。Educational system of the art in our country have made up a lot of artists, but its educational system has obviously academical malady.

对于本文的研究及其成果,在文后专设有“结论”一节给予说明。As to the main research topic of this paper and its subsequent academical achievements, the "conclusion" section gives a detailed account.

科学、健康的学术批评,需要有求索真理、学术自由、学术平等和学术公正的精神。To do academical critique in a scientific and healthy way, one must be with the spirits of seeking truth and doing free, equal and just researches.

学术界目前有关方言岛的定义仍存分歧,本文采用广义上的方言岛概念。Firstly, the different definitions of dialect island in the academical circle are introduced and the concept of dialect island is specified in a broad sense in this paper.

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学界对胡应麟小说思想的研究主要集中在其小说分类、小说观念、小说虚实、通俗小说研究等方面。Academical circles' researching on Hu Yinglin's fiction idea focus on fiction classification, the conception of fiction, reality and romance, popular story research, and so on.

提出了五输、络脉为同一循行体系的论点,由此设想建立一个在十二经循行以外的,相对独立的经络循行系统,即“五输穴—络脉循行系统”。A academical viewpoint was raised that Five-Shu acupoints and collaterals constitute a circulation system, which is independent relatively and besides the twelve meridians circulation system.