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游牧文化该怎样继续下去?How dose nomadism culture continue?

刀柄的铜钉具有显著的游牧风格。The copper nail on grip has nomadism style.

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但是即便游牧民同旅行者有相似之处,但需求不同。But although nomadism and travel can coincide, they need not.

是另一种弹性和移动?还是标志着游牧的结束?Another dimension of flexibility and mobility? Or the end of nomadism?

游牧主义和部落文化在优雅风格和服饰心态上产生了碰撞。Nomadism and tribal culture collides with chic style and couture mentality.

游牧经济的研究主要涉及人、畜群与环境的相互关系。The study of nomadism mainly involves human, stockbreeding and the environment.

“游牧”模型——表现了迁移者与环境的交互关系。"nomadism" model---the interaction between nomads and environments is displayed.

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由于蒙族以游牧为生,大自然的一切均与他息息相关。For Mongol has a nomadism life, everything of the nature is closely linked with him.

但是所有这些对于游牧主义的早期描述和预言都没有切中要害。But all of those early depictions and predictions of nomadism arguably missed the point.

现在的游牧主义不同于旅行,其包含的意义远不止于此。The nomadism now emerging is different from, and involves much more than, merely making journeys.

在过去的几十年,还有一个很大的误解,那就是把游牧主义同迁徙或旅行混为一谈。Another big misunderstanding of previous decades was to confuse nomadism with migration or travel.

作为一个词,一种观点或目标,现代”都市游牧主义”某种意义上得益于融合了早期的思想萌芽。As a word, vision and goal, modern urban nomadism has had the mixed blessing of a premature debut.

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可以说,奈保尔是后殖民时代的移民作家、游牧作家、自由作家和世界性作家,是一位现实敏锐的文学大师。It is said that Naipaul is a transmigrant writer, a nomadism writer, a free writer, a world writer, and a real literary master.

从无人到有人,从游牧到定居,如今这里已成了牛羊满山坡的新牧区。From un populated to populated from nomadism to fixed habitation it has now become a new farming zone with cattle and goats all over the hillsides.

新疆的草原畜牧业从此由传统的游牧生产方式向现代草原畜牧业生产方式的转变跨出了历史性的第一步。The production mode of grassland-stockbreeding of Xinjiang has stridden the first step from the traditional nomadism to modern grassland-stockbreeding.

这并不能怪那些作者,因为真正根本的科技进步和游牧主义即便在10年前也是不可想象的。For this the authors cannot be blamed, since the underlying technologies of genuine and everyday nomadism did not exist even as recently as a decade ago.

论文由导论、罕苏木阿日呼布嘎查的概况、罕苏木阿日呼布嘎查的季节性游牧、结论和参考文献等五个部分组成。This paper is constructed from 5 parts which are introduction, general situation of Aruhubugacha, seasonal nomadism of Aruhubugacha, conclusion and reference literatures.

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从游牧到定居就是牧区游牧民族生产方式的根本转变,也是提高社会经济全面发展的重要措施。From nomadism to settle down is a fundamental change of nomadic ethnic group in their production methods, also is an important measure to improve social Economic development.

受到官僚主义对流浪者厌恶风潮的感染,加之维多利亚时代对印度种姓制度的热衷,统治者判处包括帕蒂种族在内的许多种族成员为天生诈骗犯。Imbued with a bureaucratic aversion to nomadism and a Victorian relish for the Hindu caste system, they adjudged many Indian tribesmen, Pardhis included, to be preordained crooks.

但由于自身处在农耕文明与游牧文明交汇处的特殊区位,始终是屏藩京畿的战略要地,整个地区仍然有新的创造和进步。It occupies special position- joint of agriculture and nomadism civilization, and also it is the most important strategic field, so the whole area is still creative and ascensive.