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淋球菌是一种细菌。Drench coccus is a kind of bacterium.

金黄色葡萄球菌感染现在有治愈的机会吗?。Does infection of coccus of golden yellow grape have cured opportunity now?

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球菌中凝固酶阴性葡萄球菌占绝大多数。The majority of Gram positive coccus were coagulase-negative staphylococci.

一个细胞表面有多个球菌的概念性视图。A conceptual visualisation of multiple coccus bacteria on a cellular surface

淋球菌由核质、细胞浆、细胞膜和细胞壁等构成。Drench coccus is mixed by film of oar of karyoplasm, cell, cell cellular wall form.

同时,也是胭脂虫的优良寄主植物以及居室、办公室的净化,街道、公园、单位绿化美化的好树种。At the same time it is good host for Dactylopius coccus and good species for landscape.

胭脂虫是─种极其珍贵的资源昆虫,具有重大的经济利用价值。Dactylopius coccus Costa is an extremely valuable resource insects, is of great economic value.

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革兰阳性球菌耐药率为普遍较高,仅对万古霉素仍保持较高敏感。The drug resistances of gram positive coccus are generally very high, but they were responsive to vancomycin.

常见的病原体多为一般化脓性细菌如葡萄球菌、链球菌、大肠杆菌等。Common pathogen is bacterium of generalization pus sex to wait like grape coccus , streptococcic, coliform organisms more.

柑桔软蚧和褐软蚧两类蚧虫,在国外部分国家成为难以对付的害虫,主要是缺乏具有制约作用的寄生性天敌。Two Soft Acales Coccus pseudomanoliarum Kuw. and C. hesperidum L. are difficult to be controlled in some oversea areas where parasitic wasps are not occurred.

前者先泛起淋病症状,经抗淋病治疗后,淋球菌被青霉素杀死,而衣原体、支原体依然存在。The former first wucaichi gonorrhea symptoms, the resistance gonorrhea after treatment, drench coccus is penicillin kills and chlamydia, mycoplasma still exist.

最常见的淋病和非淋球菌性尿道炎表现为泌尿生殖系统的炎症,造成小便时尿道疼痛,烧灼感。The most common gonorrhea and blame drench coccus sex urethritis performance for the inflammation, genitourinary system caused by urinate urethral pain, burning.

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仙人掌种植、胭脂虫饲养和胭脂虫红色素的生产在我国有着很好的发展前景。Development and research of Cactus planting, Coccus feeding and the process for preparation of cochineal color will bring more direct economic benefit to farmers.

青霉素与磺胺化合物联合使用,对粪肠球菌和厌氧链球菌感染可增强疗效。Penicillin and sulphanilamide compound are used jointly, streptococcic to mucky bowel coccus and oxygen of be disgusted with infection can enhance curative effect.

如表现为以上情况,初步判定为淋球菌阳性,但进一步确定,需作氧化酶试验,或糖发酵试验。If expression is above circumstance, preliminary decide to drench coccus is electropositive , but decide further, require oxidation enzymatic test, or candy ferments experiment.

检出污染的细菌以革兰阳性球菌和芽孢杆菌为主,马丁霉菌和耐高渗透压霉菌均以青霉属为优势菌。The atmospheric pollutant are mainly gram-positive coccus and bacillus. The dominant part is occupied by Penicillium for Martin's fungi and high osmotic pressure-resistant fungi.

结论本文得到的抗菌肽是一个新型抗菌肽,有广谱抗菌活性,对革兰阴性菌和革兰阳性菌均有一定的抑制作用。Conclusions It is a new antibacterial peptide, has significantly broad antimicrobial activity, and display inhibition against Gram negative bacilli, positive coccus and C. albicans.

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致病细菌以沙门菌属及嗜盐菌属为常见,毒素以金黄色葡萄球菌毒素为多。The bacterium that cause disease belongs to bacterium of the salt that reach be addicted to with Sramana bacterium for common, toxin is with toxin of coccus of golden yellow grape much.