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几位著名的研究人员正在研究通气过度的后果。Several notable researchers are studying the effects of hyperventilation.

目的回答中国是否有高通气综合征患者。Objective To evidence the occurrence of hyperventilation syndrome in Chinese patients.

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我觉得我的呼吸逐渐走向逐渐过度为我走近门口。I felt my breathing gradually creeping toward hyperventilation as I approached the door.

另一个典型的组合是DKA合并脱水,及因肺炎或败血症导致的换气功能增强。Another typical combination is DKA, dehydration, and hyperventilation from pneumonia or sepsis.

吉尼斯的指导方针是允许长达30分钟的强氧呼吸的。Guinness says up to 30 minutes of so-called "oxygen hyperventilation " is allowed under their guidelines.

目的总结青年军人过度通气综合征的诊断与治疗经验。Objective To summarize the experiences in the diagnosis and therapy of hyperventilation syndrome of yong servicemen.

结论HVS患者在心肺运动试验中呈现高通气状态,采取小潮气量、快呼吸频率和低肺容量位的通气方式。Conclusions The breathing pattern of low VT, high f, low lung volume and hyperventilation characterized the patients of HVS.

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除了深度呼吸之外,还要求人们原地跑动、左右晃脑或屏住呼吸。In addition to hyperventilation , you may be instructed to run in place, shake your head from side to side, or hold your breath.

用嘴唇吸气和用鼻子吸气对于平均动脉压的作用主要依靠呼吸的深度。The effect of pursed lip inspiration and inspiratory sniffing on mean arterial pressure depended upon accompanying hyperventilation.

而体内氯离子浓度过高则可由脱水、充血性心力衰竭、哮喘或尿路堵塞引起。Elevated chloride concentrations are associated with dehydration, congestive heart failure, hyperventilation and urinary obstructions.

过度换气会使正常受试者的血压轻微下降,而患有自律衰竭患者的下降幅度则较大。Hyperventilation produces small decreases in blood pressure in normal subjects and large decreases in patients with automatic failure.

过去的一些研究显示在其他条件下受抑制的自身调节可经过度通气恢复。Previous investigations in several other conditions have demonstrated that impaired autoregulation can be restored by hyperventilation.

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即使人们没有对标普下调评级一事而紧张到呼吸急促,市场也可能会依然向上周那样继续呈下滑走势。Even if there was no hyperventilation over S&P's downgrade, markets would likely continue their slide, as their performance last week showed.

博士说,对着一个普通的纸袋子呼吸能消除因剧烈呼吸而产生的偏头痛。According to Dr. Selwyn Dexter, breathing into an ordinary paper bag can get rid of migraine headaches caused by hyperventilation. Selwyn Dexter.

文章针对应用该技术研究的低温、过度换气和巴比妥类药物对脑组织能量代谢的影响进行综述。The article reviews the effects of hypothermia, hyperventilation and barbiturates on brain energy metabolism study with microdialysis techniques.

伦敦1969年做的一项研究发现高潮时两性在心率、血压和超呼吸的变化都是一样的。A study done in London in 1969 found no significant gender differences in observed increases in heart rate, blood pressure, and hyperventilation during orgasm.

目的采用颈内静脉血气监测技术,观察不同程度的人工过度通气对颅脑手术病人脑氧代谢的影响。Objective To investigate the effect of various degrees of artificial hyperventilation on cerebral O 2 metabolism with the technique of jugular venous blood gas monitoring.

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结论过度通气综合征除呼吸困难外还常有其他众多症状,但查体都无异常,且常有明显的心因性诱因。Conclusion Besides dyspnea, hyperventilation syndrome has many other symptoms as well as cardiac inducement, but it has no abnormal findings in physical and CT examination.

这些是不由自主的行为,她不能停止她的手部动作,磨牙或过度换气,就像我们也无法随心所欲停止我们的心跳。They are happening to her, not by her. She can no more stop her hand movements, tooth grinding or hyperventilation at will that we can stop our hearts from beating at will.

如果我们试图调整呼吸的节奏来配合对手那不可预测的动作,那么结果极有可能是我们换气过度,最终自我窒息。If we attempt to match the rhythm of our breathing with the unpredictable pace of our opponent’s movement, the most likely results are hyperventilation and auto-asphyxiation.