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不要胡扯。Don't waffle.

那个人怎么喋喋不休尽讲些胡话!How that man does waffle on !

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将华夫铁板调至中温预热。Preheat waffle iron to medium high.

第二,如果你对华松饼过敏,就不要吃华松饼。Then don't take me to a waffle house.

您想用脆皮饼干杯装冰淇淋吗?。Do you want your scoop in a waffle cup?

两汤匙酸奶酪放在威化饼上。Spread 2 tbsp. of the yogurt on the waffle.

你好,我喜欢你做的华夫饼干小屋。Hi. I like that waffle teepee that you have built.

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这篇报告貌似冠冕堂皇,实际上空洞无物。The report looks impressive but it's really nothing but waffle.

朱迪•维特维奇有一幕从房子里跑出来,头上顶着一个松饼机的镜头。Judy Witwicky runs out of the house with a waffle iron on her head.

邓斯特或许不喜欢这个分数,但她绝对喜欢华夫饼。Dunst may not like the score, but she definitely likes waffle fries.

我不要吃香蕉片,我想要三勺巧克力口味的冰激凌放在华夫蛋筒中。I think I'll go for a triple scoop of chocolate surprise in a waffle cone.

健康的速冻全谷物面包里是不应该含有氢化油的。No "healthy" frozen whole grain waffle should have hydrogenated oils. Ever.

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若没有华夫铁板,可用煎锅代替,象做薄烤饼那样。If you do not have a waffle iron, just use a fry pan and cook like a pancake.

使用烤箱手套,把华夫饼机往回翻转并打开盖子,一个完美的华夫饼就制作好了。Using an oven mitt, flip the waffle maker back and open the cover to a perfect waffle.

那时,作为一种自由的和激进的性解放运动引起了众多评论。At the time, there was plenty of childish waffle about sex as a liberating and radical activity.

在二维平面将许多这种单位连接起来后,可以形成像是威化饼的晶体构造。Copies of this unit can be joined to form a crystal that extends like a waffle in two dimensions.

在被问到能源问题时,布朗总想着把这事扯到他雄心勃勃的可再生能源方案上去。Asked about energy, Gordon Brown has tended to waffle on about his ambitions for renewable energy.

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有平纹布、珠地布、双面布、位衣布、华夫格及罗纹等。Have multi-axile fabrics, bead to cloth, double-sided cloth, a garment cloth, waffle and rib, etc.

现在是你在家制作你自己的美味得让人流口水的华夫饼的好时机,因为你只要些许借助华夫饼制造器。It's time to make your own delicious mouth watering waffles at home a little help from a waffle maker.

进军1000个碳橡胶和注入登上着船外抓地力相结合,为轻,持久耐用的牵引模式。BRS 1000 carbon rubber and injected Waffle Grip outsole combine for a light yet durable tr action pattern.