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乔妮是位基督徒。Joni was a Christian.

这里有一首基督教的歌Here is a Christian song.

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你是一位有盐味的基督徒吗?Are you a salty Christian?

他是冈比亚人,一个非裔基督徒。He’s an African Christian.

那是一个教名。Is that his Christian name ?

他于一九二二年成为基督徒。He became a Christian in 1922.

景教是基督教的一个流派。Jingjiao was a Christian sect.

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基督屠宰者的口味。the taste of Christian butchers.

心应心基督徒服务站!Heart to Heart Christian Service!

我向基督教的那些物事祷告了I have prayed to Christian things.

克里斯琴知道许多这样的故事。Hans Christian knew many such tales.

陈先生是个不虔诚的基督徒。Mr. Chen is a half-hearted Christian.

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启德基督教会欢迎您!Kai Tak Christian Church welcomes you!

但在圣经的世界观里,是有对与错,真与假。But not so in the Christian world view.

基督徒应守安息日。Christian should not break the Sabbath.

卢旺达是非洲的耶教国家。Rwanda is an African Christian country.

我们这里所有人都用教名相互称呼。We're all on Christian name terms here.

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卢维中老师是一位基督徒老师。Mr. Wai-chung LO is a christian teacher.

基督徒应守安息日。A Christian should not break the Sabbath.