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凡是过去,皆为序章。What's past is prologue.

正像它显示出的那样不可思议,所有的一切都仅仅只是开场白。Incredible as it seems, all that is mere prologue.

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看好中国的人则说,啊,但这一切只是个开头。Ah, say the China-boosters, but all that is mere prologue.

函数的序言通常遵循以下顺序A function's prologue usually follows the following sequence

第二点,这段历史旁白缩小了不同是代际之间的差距。Second, the historical prologue bridges the gap between generations.

球迷观看比赛的序幕兰斯阿姆斯特朗计时赛7月3日在鹿特丹。Fans watch Lance Armstrong race the prologue time trial July 3 in Rotterdam.

1840年爆发的“第一次鸦片战争”揭开了中国近代历史的序幕。The First Opium War in 1840 preceded the prologue of modern history of China.

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本文共四章,分序章和三章专题研究。This paper is made up of four chapters, including a prologue and three chapters.

那么在序言里就有讲到耶稣的先存,以及他的神性。So we get the pre-existence of Jesus and his divinity, right there in the prologue.

这与之前的代码完全相同,不过增加了序言和尾声代码。That's exactly the same code as before, just wrapped with prologue and epilogue code.

首先是序言部分,我在这节课一开始时就读了的。First,there's this prologue that I started reading at the very beginning of the lecture.

战争的序曲与余殃给那些经典的“黑色电影”暗流提供了源泉。That war, its prologue and aftermath, supplied the dark undercurrent of classic film noir.

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费边坎瑟拉拉比赛时间通过鹿特丹审判过程中,在7月3日的序幕。Fabian Cancellara races through the Rotterdam time trial course during the prologue July 3.

因为根用户运行序言脚本,所以此用户被允许登录集群。Since the root user runs the prologue script, the user will be allowed to log into the cluster.

这一基调在他的序言里就有所显现,在长达4页的序言中“我”,“我的”这些词汇就出现了34次。The tone is set in the four-page prologue which contains 34 instances of the words “I”, “me” or “my”.

影片在天鹅湖的序幕中开始,魔法师罗斯巴特施恶咒将公主变成了天鹅。The film begins with the prologue to "Swan Lake, " in which the sorcerer Rothbart casts his evil spell.

贯穿福音的几个主要的主题,都包含在这个序言中。It has several major themes that will occur throughout the Gospel and it's just packed into this prologue.

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麦卡特尼在本书的序言中解释说,“我们正寻求一些与以往不同的尝试。McCartney contributes a prologue to the book, in which he explains, "We were looking for something different.

这并不足以让人欣慰,事实是我们不能假设过去是未来的序幕,这同样不能让人欣慰。That's not exactly comforting, nor is the fact that we cannot assume that the past is prologue to the future.

元朝是八番地区中原化的开始,拉开了八番地区内地化的序幕。Yuan Dynasty is the start of eight local areas of south of Yellow River and inland prologue of Bafan areas begins.