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但要注意,学好学校里教的课程才是最重要的。But you should first learn your curricular courses well.

我已经听说了你在科研和课外活动方面的优秀成绩。I have heard of your excellent record in research and extra curricular activities.

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然后那里设立奖学金,我们和课程资源中心设立,and in terms of just like where we set, we set with the curricular resource center,

性向进教科书的立法是我们教育系统失当的一个新顶峰。—a curricular emphasis on gay sexuality amounted to a new peak of educational malpractice.

数学课程弹性化是当今世界各国数学课程改革的新趋势。Flexibility of mathematics curricular was the tendency of today's mathematics curricular reform.

课程目标由社会为本、知识为本转变为以人的发展为本。Curricular aims have turned from knowledge-based to community-based, and human-based development.

他充分利用大学生活,一方面用功读书,一方面参加许多课外活动。He made the most of college by studying hard and in getting involved in many extra curricular activities.

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但作为一个新设立的专业,其专业课程体系的建设存在不少问题。However, as a new-built specialty, there are some problems on the establishment of its curricular system.

我们的网站有一系列课程,我们有培训人员,知道大家如何参与跨信仰青年服务活动。And we have a set of curricular up there, we have training guys for how to run your interfaith youth service.

这些学校把它作为一个机会调整和商议包括课程内容和课余活动。These schools are using it as an opportunity to tweak, and augment, both curricular and extracurricular offerings.

同时,还要通过各种课内、课外的活动,使他们形成正确的信念。Meanwhile, it is through a variety of curricular and extra-curricular activities, so that they form a correct faith.

唱名法在视唱练耳中具有理论和实践意义。Solmisation has both the academic and practical meaning in curricular teaching of the sightsinging and ear training.

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此外我们复习了学校中不同地点的名称和同学们参加的活动课。In addition we reviewed different areas in the school and extra curricular activities that the students participate in.

我的学习情况还比较稳定,没有特别差的功课,但要取得高分,必须多做课外习题。My study is still relatively stable, not bad work, but want to get high marks, must make the extra curricular exercise.

作为一个优秀的学校,瑞贝学校为学生提供丰富多彩的课外活动。Being a good school institution, Ribet also provides students chances to take part in lots of extra curricular activities.

他们设计的评价体系结合了教学和课程目标,从而能与教学实践相匹配。They design assessments that are aligned with instruction and curricular objectives and that match instructional practices.

作为汉语水平达到某种等级或免修相应级别汉语课程的证明。As a proof of certain level of Chinese proficiency or of avoiding attending correspond level of Chinese language curricular.

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本文结合专业英语的学科特点和培养目标,就新型课程的设计进行了探讨。This article explores the new curricular design by combining with the characteristics of medical English and teaching goals.

封闭的、贫乏的、单一的、纯结论性的课程资源必将妨碍新课程标准的实施。Closed, impoverished, monotonous, and conclusive curricular resources hinder the application of the new curricular standards.

“空间与图形”课程的首要目标是使学生更好地认识、理解和把握自己赖以生存的空间。The most important curricular aim of "Space and Shape" is to let students know, comprehend and grasp the living space better.