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国际能源机构甚至警告称,可能会形成一个天然气垄断组织。The IEA even warned of the possible formation of a cartel for natural gas.

像国际能源署那样把这称为是“参考案例”,这种做法可谓大错特错。It's a non-trivial error to call it a 'reference case, ' as the IEA has done.

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国际能源机构26个成员国的核政策各不相同,但都支持这项研究。All 26 members of the IEA support the study, although their nuclear policies differ.

田中伸男表示,国际能源机构就中国建立30天石油储备的计划展开了密切接触。Nobuo Tanaka said, IEA cooperated with China on plan of establishing 30-days oil reserve.

洛娜•赖特博士是应中国社科院民族所加拿大研究中心的邀请来华讲学的。Invited by the Canadian Studies Center of IEA at CASS, two visiting Professors from Canada, Dr.

其三,国际能源总署估计,2030年,现有油田的产量将会缩减近三分之二。Third, the IEA estimates that output from existing fields will drop by almost two-thirds by 2030.

IEA表示,预计2009年OPEC原油日产量是2,820万桶,比上年减少260万桶.The call for OPEC crude in 2009 was 28.2 million bpd, the IEA said, 2.6 million bpd less than last year.

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理论分析和用于双螺旋线分类的仿真结果表明,免疫进化子波网络不仅是可行的,也是十分有效的。The analysis in theory and simulations show that WNN based on IEA is not only feasible but also effective.

IEA是在OECD支持下发起,由少数发达的石油进口国成立并为之服务,它的成员国仍限定在OECD国家之内,随着非成员国如中国和印度的能源需求增长,IEA的代表地位被迅速削弱。The IEA was established by and for a smallnumber of wealthy oil-importing countries, under the aegis of the OECD.

对基本的IEA算法进行了改进,使它能够区分背景端元和异常端元。The basic approach of IEA is improved and it can discriminate between background endmembers and anomaly endmembers.

IEA预计,这两个亚洲国家到2030年的石油进口总量将超过目前日本和美国的进口量之和。The IEA predicts that the two Asian countries combined will import more oil in 2030 than Japan and the U.S. do today.

尽管IEA在报告中重点关注了中国和印度市场,但它预计中东地区的需求也将增长。While the IEA focused its most recent outlook on China and India, it also forecast booming demand in the Middle East.

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3月12日,国际能源总署预告,2010年底,全球石油日均需求量会爬升回8650万桶。As of March 12, the IEA was forecasting that global demand will climb to 86.5 million barrels a day by the end of 2010.

IEA算法能够提取图像中有代表性的光谱信息,可为异常检算子的构造提供端元信息。A set of special spectra which can be extracted by using IEA are important priori information in anomaly detection algorithm.

到2015年,IEA预测中国消耗的能源,将相当于27.83亿吨石油,而美国将是22.91亿吨。By 2015, the IEA expects China to consume the equivalent of 2.783 billion tons of oil compared to America's 2.291 billion tons.

国家能源局综合司司长周喜安说,“这个数据可以供我们借鉴,但我们觉得它并不可信”。Zhou Xi'an, a director with the agency, told reporters that 'the IEA data can be used as a reference but are not very reliable.'

国际能源总署预测说,到2025年,中国会超过美国成为进口石油和天然气花钱最多的国家。By 2025, the IEA forecasts, China will pass the United States to become the world's biggest spender on imported oil and natural gas.

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IEA坦率地表示,全球的消费者和政府所作甚少,不足以加强能源供应安全和降低污染。The IEA bluntly says consumers and governments globally are doing too little to improve energy-supply security and to cut pollution.

国际能源组织数据显示,沙特阿拉伯现在自己王国石油产能达到每天1208万桶油,自身消耗量为每天830万桶。The kingdom has the capacity to pump 12.08 million barrels a day, of which it is now using 8.3 million barrels a day, IEA data show.

国际能源机构表示,与此同时,汽油消费大幅上升,“因为驾车者和旅行者希望在温暖的季节出游”。At the same time, petrol consumption boomed “as motorists and travellers sought to take advantage of warm weather”, according to the IEA.