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他的判决是至高无上的、他的权力是不容置疑的。His judgment was sovereign, his power unassailable.

中国的论点是不可攻破的。The substance of the Chinese argument is unassailable.

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因而,我们必须维持攻不破的防卫力量。So, we must maintain defenses of unassailable strength.

他证明自己是无懈可击的,事实上不可触摸的。He's proven himself unassailable and indeed untouchable.

只要他在那他的立场就无懈可击。So long as he stayed there his position was unassailable.

对于雅丁和他的同代人来说,圣经是不容置疑的。For Yadin and his contemporaries, the Bible was unassailable.

这份提议简单而直接,其公平也无懈可击。The proposition is simple and straightforward, and its equities unassailable.

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它的概念模糊而不可测试,但却自视为公理而无懈可击。Its concepts are woolly and untestable yet are regarded as unassailable axioms.

如果不算牢不可破,直接谈判的逻辑初看起来也是强而有力的。On first glance, the logic of direct negotiations is powerful, if not unassailable.

希望排名前50位的诅咒不要蔓延到第20位,这么说对攻不破的罗尼。普莱斯并无恶意。Let's hope the Top 50 curse doesn't spread to No. 20, no offense to the unassailable Ronnie Price.

在反垄断案中,比尔·盖茨一再否认微软的优势无懈可击。During the antitrust trial, Bill Gates repeatedly denied that Microsoft's dominance was unassailable.

从整个金融发展与经济发展的角度来看,证券市场的积极作用是不容置疑的。The activity of securites market, in terms of overall financial and economic development, is unassailable.

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这些不自然的咒语保护我们免受自然未加工的能量的无懈可击的力量是否是可能的?Is it possible for these unnatural incantations to protect us from the unassailable power of nature's raw energy?

大王以不容置疑的实力击败了豆丁,豆丁失去了自信,也失去了朋友。King beat fabaceous man with unassailable actual strength, fabaceous man lost self-confidence, also lost a friend.

在来自射程之外的火箭炮和空军袭击之下,卡扎非的军队将叛军赶出沙漠。With air raids and rocket fire from an unassailable distance, the regime’s forces drove the rebels out of the desert.

由于近代中国的贫穷落后,学习西方国家的富国强民之道是无可非议的。Due to poverty and backwardness in modern China, learning Western countries wealthy and powerful way, are unassailable.

经过10天的竞赛,39块金牌已入囊中。现在看来,中国在金牌榜上的位置坚不可摧。With 39 gold medals already in the bag after 10 days of the competition, China now looks unassailable in the gold tally.

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企业要在市场经济的大潮中立于不败之地,必须加强产品市场的巩固和发展。Enterprise must strengthen the consolidation and development of product market in order to be in an unassailable position.

1997年,布伊格兄弟阐释了这个大计划,并开始以今天这种无法撼动的权位现身。In 1997 it was time for the brothers to unravel the whole grand scheme—and emerge in today's almost unassailable position.

只有做到以上几点,推销者才有机会得到最真诚的信任,即无条件、不容置疑地推销“母爱”。By doing these things, a marketer gets the chance to gain the deepest loyalty—a marketing mother-love, unconditional and unassailable.