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巴拿巴带着马可,坐船往居比路去。Barnabas took Mark and sailed for Cyprus

塞浦路斯人口大约为78万。Cyprus has an estimated population of 780,000.

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塞浦路斯的拉纳卡市一个盐湖中的火烈鸟。Flamingos stand in a salt lake in Larnaca, Cyprus.

尼科西亚是首都及最大的城市,在塞浦路斯。Nicosia is the capital and largest city in Cyprus.

塞浦路斯在1960年从英联邦获得独立。Cyprus had received its independence from the UK in 1960.

其他六位来自中国,希腊,法国及塞浦路斯。The other six hail from China, Greece, France and Cyprus.

我们还保持在塞浦路斯利马索尔人员配备齐全的办公室。We also maintain a fully staffed office in Limassol, Cyprus.

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在开罗的塞浦路斯大使馆正常打开,从上午八时至下午三时。The Cyprus Embassy in Cairo was open normally from 8am to 3pm.

第二届亚欧会议不同信仰间对话会议将于2006年在塞浦路斯举行。The 2nd ASEM Inter-Faith Dialogue will be held in Cyprus in 2006.

在1960年,英国承认其殖民地赛普勒斯的独立。In 1960, Britain granted independence to the crown colony of Cyprus.

在塞浦路斯,阿普尔是夺得国内联赛冠军次数最多的球队。APOEL have won the domestic league in Cyprus more than any other club.

帕福斯森林的美堪称壮丽,可以说,它是塞浦路斯绝色美景的代表。The Pafos forest contains some of the most spectacular scenery in Cyprus.

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成立于1990年,伊北塞浦路斯也是一个比较新的大学。Established in 1990, LEU is also a relatively new North Cyprus university.

中方祝贺塞浦路斯在国家建设中取得的成就。China congratulates Cyprus on its achievements in the national development.

而在中东,当时的选择不外是土耳其、伊朗或塞浦路斯。And in the Middle East, choices then would have been Turkey, Iran or Cyprus.

1974年,土耳其入侵塞浦路斯,摧残了这座岛屿,居民们四散逃命,希望有朝一日能重返故园。In the year of 1974 however, the Turkish invaded Cyprus and tore up the island.

猫类驯化最早的确凿证据来自9千5百年前在赛普勒斯。The oldest hard evidence for domestication comes from 9,500 years ago in Cyprus.

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他把从塞浦路斯到印度之间的这片土地看成是全世界的行窃中心。He regarded the lands between Cyprus and India as the thieving centre of the world.

近日,意大利考古学家在塞浦路斯南部发现了世界上最古老的香水。The world's oldest perfumes have been found on Cyprus by a team of archaeologists.

塞浦路斯成为独立共和国,大主教马卡里奥任第一任总统。Cyprus became an independent Republic, with Archbishop Makarios its first President.