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布鲁塞尔也位于欧洲的中心。Brussels is also centrally located in Europe.

它在本质上属于中央控制和自上而下的模式。It is centrally controlled and top-down in nature.

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分支中的用户访问通常是集中管理的。User access in the branches is often centrally managed.

如何集中发布和治理服务的元数据How can service metadata be centrally published and governed?

集中储存影像学资料,并由独立的放射科医师读片。All images were stored centrally and read by independent radiologists.

每个角色都是由中心管理构建和发布系统来服务的。Each role is served by the centrally managed build and release system.

社会书签允许将书签集中存储在一个服务器上。Social bookmarking allows bookmarks to be centrally stored on a server.

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公寓套间集中供热,我们有瓶装煤气做饭。The apartment was centrally heated,and we had bottled gas to cook with.

树突集合体从管孔穿入化感刚毛腔,轴突与外鞭神经连接。The collection of axons extends centrally to join the antennular nerve.

医院地处上海市静安寺,环境幽静,交通方便。Hua Dong Hospital is centrally located in the Jing An district of Shanghai.

第二个例子,在这个图片中,盆景作为一个整体放置在展示台的中央。A second example, in this image the bonsai is placed centrally on it's stand.

该植物公园正好是在亚庇市的中央,是城市居民理想的悠闲好去处。The park is centrally placed in Kota Kinabalu, and is ideal for city dwellers.

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它的气体浓缩在中心,但中心又没有核球。Its gas is centrally concentrated, but it does not have a central bulge of stars.

所得结论适用于所有中置式稳定土拌和机。The conclusion derived is suitable to all centrally located stabilized soil mixer.

在集中办公地点以外进行工作的广义词是电子居家办公。The broad term for doing one's work away from a centrally located office is telework.

允许组织对服务端点地址进行虚拟化和集中控制。It allows organization to virtualize and centrally control services endpoint addresses.

IT行业青睐黑莓,是因为黑莓比较容易解锁,而且控制键集中。Enterprise IT likes the BlackBerry because it is easy to lock down and centrally control.

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大多数中央控制度的国企都在位于沪市和深市的复合指数名单上。Most centrally controlled SOEs are listed in the Shanghai and Shenzhen composite indexes.

归口管理海关系统的普法教育。To administer centrally the law popularization and education in the customs institutions.

通过NetBoot,Mule用户可以把Mule配置集中保存到Galaxy的仓储。With NetBoot, Mule users can store Mule configurations centrally in the Galaxy repository.