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残喉创面修复用双蒂肌软骨膜瓣重建喉功能。Bi-pedicle muscular flap were used to reconstruct the larynx.

因为您希望能够在以后再现已经发生的操作。Because you want to be able to reconstruct what happened later.

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并就三沟式氧化沟改扩建提出了建议。Finally, suggestions to reconstruct T ditch system are provided.

从而每个预测帧图像得以重建并放大。So we can reconstruct and enlarge every prediction-frame picture.

对此深入研究对重构当代中国法观念显得尤为重要。It is important to reconstruct the system of Chinese law concepts.

目的再造外伤后畸形或发育不良的尺骨鹰嘴窝。Objective To reconstruct traumatic or hypoplastic olecranon fossa.

在解码器端使用POCS算法来重建图像。At the decoder, the POCS algorithm is adopted to reconstruct the image.

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重建马克思主义哲学是国内哲学界面临的重要任务。IT is a important tase for us to reconstruct the philosophy of Marxism.

该次墨西哥时间的完整经过将要花好几个月来还原。The full account of the Mexican events will take months to reconstruct.

让我们从前提和结论着手,重新构建这个论证Let's try to reconstruct it in terms of its premises and its conclusions.

我们可以尝试使用差分方程式重建非常久远以前的历史。Using the difference equations , we can try to reconstruct the deep past.

采用三次有理均匀B样条曲线完成了对自由曲面体的重构。Cubic rational B-spline curve is adopted to reconstruct free-form surface.

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如果一个硬盘坏了,我们可以很容易的在另一个硬盘上重建数据。If one drive fails, we can easily reconstruct the data onto another drive.

曲谱是拟测古声调调值最好的语料。Music score is the best material to reconstruct the pitches of ancient tones.

历史生物地理学重建生物区系历史。Historical biogeography attempts to reconstruct the biota history of the earth.

如果明天这里全部被夷为平地,利蒂霞戴尔也能够重建它。If the whole place were swept away tomorrow, letitia dale could reconstruct it.

他们试图根据一些零星资料设想出犯罪的情景。They tried to reconstruct the crime from the fragmentary pieces of information.

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本周,大峡谷南凯坝步道的重建工程开始动工。Work started this week on a project to reconstruct the park's South Kaibab Trail.

某些配置文件可能需要花几天的时间来重新构建,这随程序包的不同而有所不同。Depending on the package, some configuration files could take days to reconstruct.

重建古气候、古环境已成为当今全球变化研究的热点。Reconstruct the paleoclimate and paleoenvironment has been the hotspot of the word.