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因此,提高ITO粉体品质是必由之路。Therefore, improving ITO powder quality is an evitable road.

因此,避免了在时域采用复杂的循环相关运算。Hence, the complicated cyclic correlation in time-domain is evitable.

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农业信息化是农业现代化发展的必然趋势。Agricultural informatization is the evitable trend for agricultural modernization.

它的问题在很多必然情况下和绝对范围里。Its problems may be the in evitable problems of trying something with such sheer scope.

随着GIS技术的不断完善,建立面向GIS的电子政务系统是发展的必然趋势。With the development of GIS technology, it is evitable to establish the E-Government on GIS.

九十年代振兴绵阳农业是经济发展的必然要求。Promoting agriculture of Mianyang in 90's is the evitable requirement of economic development.

高校图书馆数字化建设过程中,著作权是无法回避的问题。The issue of copyright is an evitable problem during the construction of digital college library.

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数字图书馆建设过程中,知识产权是无法回避的问题。The issue of intellectual property right is an evitable problem during digital library construction.

所以因为购车后降价而使得消费者对品牌心存隔阂就是难免的事情。It is evitable that the customer have a sense of estrangement to the brand after the price reduction.

受网络带宽和数据包容量的限制,多通道传输是不可避免的。Because of the limit of network bandwidth and data-packet capacity, the multiple channel transfer is evitable.

而在接下来连续几个小时的交流中,让我找到了他成为名导成功路上的必然因素,那就是,不断对于梦想的追寻!In the next few hours of talk, I find a evitable factor in his success, that is, constant quest for the dream!

随着农业经营管理的进步与发展,商务电算化已成必然趋势。With the development of agricultural management, the commercial computerization has become the evitable trend.

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国际产业转移是开放经济的产物,是产业结构升级的必然要求。As a result of open economy, it is evitable for the international industry transfer to upgrade the industrial structure.

国际产业转移是开放经济的产物,是产业结构升级的必然要求。As the result of open economy, it is evitable for the international industry transfer to upgrade the industrial structure.

这些原因导致机械维修质量不高,可靠性差,容易造成不必要损失,甚至发生重大工程机械毁伤事故等后果。All these result in low repair quality and reliability, some originally evitable losses even some serious casualty failures occur.

绝对司法公正是理想,司法公正只能是相对的。相对司法公正的成因有内因和外因之分。Absolute judicial justice is an ideal while relative judicial justice is an evitable defect of the jurisdiction based on statute law.

建立完善的循证肿瘤学疗效评价方法是肿瘤治疗学发展的必然趋势。An in evitable development trend of tumor therapeutics is to establish a perfect therapeutic appraisable method of evidence based oncology.

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全球化已成不逆之势,经济全球化必然导致文化的全球化。Nowadays, the globalization becomes an evitable trend, and the economic globalization will lead to the cultural globalization consequently.

行政人员的道德回归已经成为世界各国行政改革的必然趋势。The moral regression of administrative staff has already become the in evitable trend of the administrative reformation all over the world.

越来越多的项目需要不同的企业合作才能够完成,合作项目成为一种必然的趋势。More and more projects can only be finished by the collaboration of different enterprises, and the trend of co-project is becoming evitable.