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也不完全由那些无冕旅途所致。Not entirely due to those uncrowned journey.

他是德国车赛的无冕之王。He was the uncrowned king of Germany car racing.

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你是一个无冕之王!你是真正的英雄!You are the uncrowned king! You are a real hero!

在此,还是期待宽松的环境。Here, a sense of uncrowned discovery still awaits.

像流放中的君王,被废黜到地狱。Like a king in exile, uncrowned in the underworld.

迈克尔·乔丹曾是篮球界的无冕之王。Michael Jordan was the uncrowned king of basketball.

因拥有众多才华横溢的天才球星,荷兰一直被视作“无冕之王”。With so many talented players in the squad, Netherlands are dubbed as the uncrowned king.

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他们也可以去北边的海岸,那里有并不拥挤的海滩和雪白的沙丘。They can also head to the northern coast with its uncrowned beaches and snow-white sand dunes.

他就是老铁,一个普通的工人,一个在全厂的工人中具有着无冕之王的人。He is the old iron, an ordinary worker, one in the plant has the uncrowned godfather of workers.

这句话一每天七次的频率出现在我口中,成为本月口头禅的无冕之王。A these words daily seven time frequency appears in my mouth, becomes this month the pet phrase uncrowned king.

瑞典学院称这种理论也解释了为什么没有好的市场解决办法来提供一些货物,比方说一些路。The Swedish academy says the theory also explains why there is often no good market solution to providing some goods, like uncrowned roads.

六年以后,被亲切地称为“无冕女王”的贝尔在巴格达去世。她被埋在了那里的英国公墓。Translate the following sentence into Chinese, 'Six years later "The Uncrowned Queen of Iraq", as Bell was affectionately known died in Baghdad, and was buried in the British cemetery there.