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一只大黄蜂在一分钟之内就能害死40只蜜蜂。A single hornet can kill 40 bees in a minute.

代表一份祝福,三八节我送你一个马蜂窝!Represent a wish, 38 section I send you a hornet nest!

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但这个叫青蜂侠的家伙呢?But this Green Hornet guy? "This is awesome!" he yells.

每年,大约有70人死于大黄蜂的毒针之下。Each year, around 70 humans die from giant hornet stings.

我想要青锋侠的脑袋,今晚就要。I want the head of the green hornet and I want it tonight.

这就是山姆第一次遇见博派变形金刚大黄蜂的过程。This is the first time met Sam Bo sent Transformers Hornet process.

我父亲看到汽车挡泥板上的凹痕时,他一定会发怒的。When my father sees the dent in his fender, he'll be mad as hornet.

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我原本对青蜂小子印象不错,因为我们有许多共同点。I was prepared to like this Green Hornet kid. We have a lot in common.

如果我父亲看到汽车挡泥板上的凹痕,他一定会气得暴跳如雷。When my fa ther sees the dent in his fender, he'll be mad as a hornet.

我们使用受东方大黄蜂的启发而来的太阳能电池在未来的某一天有可能发生!It could happen that one day, we have solar cells inspired by the Oriental hornet.

我很好奇,这些大黄蜂的组织和那种蝴蝶之间到底有多不同。I wonder how different the hornet tissues actually are from those of that butterfly.

东方大黄蜂的身体外壳能把太阳光换转成电能,想想吧!The body shell of the Oriental hornet converts sunlight into electricity. Go figure.

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“随着我的声音非常不稳固我呼吁的那样,”贾森,有非常大大黄蜂在这里!With my voice very shaky I called out, Jason, there's a very large hornet over here !

然而我们在这青蜂的嗡嗡声中发现了新的希望。Yet hope springs eternal, and here we find ourselves, amid buzz for The Green Hornet.

“大黄峰”号于一九四二年四月二日出航,由若干巡洋舰,驱逐舰和一艘舰队油船护航。On April 2,1942 HORNET put to sea escorted by cruisers , destroyers and a fleet oiler.

这部影片将基于大黄蜂“绿色”广播系列特伦德尔创建布什。The film will be based upon "The Green Hornet" radio series created by George W. Trendle.

黄蜂在上赛季是他们的核心健康的赛季,但是他们缺少板凳深度。The hornet on season is their core health season, but they lack the backless stool depth.

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想看青蜂侠,只是因为里面有个很帅的亚洲人。I wanna see the Green Hornet movie for the simple fact it has a hot asian guy co-starring.

我要打发黄蜂飞在你前面,把希未人、迦南人、赫人撵出去。I will send the hornet ahead of you to drive the Hivites, Canaanites and Hittites out of your way.

他顽强、热情,具有非凡的幽默感,他总是象一只略带忧虑的大黄峰一样飞向前来。Though, warm-hearted, with a superb sense of humor, he would come on like a slightly distressed hornet.