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他说,我会等待股市有所回调。I would wait for some sort of pullback.

但即便是逐步撤出也会产生重大影响。But even a gradual pullback could have big repercussions.

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在今年早些时候股市回调期间,她买进了矿业和钢铁类股。During the pullback earlier this year, she bought mining and steel stocks.

在周一的道指飙升413点后有些回落是可以预期的。Some pullback was to be expected after the Dow shot up 413 points on Monday.

这最后的操作叫“拖管”,它使管道就位于河床下面。This final operation is the"pullback"and installs the line pipe under the river.

但是这种衰退有多严重呢?这只是暂时的现象吗?我们在这里讨论一下。But how severe will the pullback be? And is it only temporary? That's up for debate.

商品集团之间的价格差距持续上升,尽管大多数商品的价格已经回落。Commodity bloc ccy's continued to hold up despite general pullback in commodity prices.

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因此回调应视为买入机会,而非锁定利润和斩仓离场的时机。So, pullback should consider as buying opportunity and not chances to take profit and get out.

不过,其他四位受访者称,预计2010年第四季将出现近期回调.However, four others said they expect a near-term pullback to occur in the fourth quarter of 2010.

换句话说,虽然金价在某个时间点可能大幅回调,但在那之前却有可能大幅攀升。In other words, gold may see a sharp pullback at some point, but prices could climb much higher before then.

但正像投资者所知道的,市场可能在数据出现全面企稳以前会有深度回调。But, as investors well know, the market may move sharply before the data show a full-blown economic pullback.

如果你的平均资金在增加,最好的加仓是回调的时候。If the moving average of your equity is rising, the best time to add money is on a pullback to the rising MA.

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近期技术面支持指数向移动平均线短期回调。Our near-term technical bias on the index favors a short-term pullback toward the trend channel moving average.

可以肯定的是,中国房地产市场与早期预测它会暴跌甚至滞后相抵触的。To be sure, China's real estate market has consistently defied earlier prognostications of a crash or even a pullback.

上述讲话发布后出现的回落为离场观望的资金提供了又一个入市的机会,Mata称.The pullback following the comments was another opportunity for money on the sidelines to get back into stocks, Mata said.

如果银行贷款减少,本已疲弱的复苏可能进一步遭到削弱,加大再次陷入衰退的可能性。Any pullback in bank lending could undermine what is already a weak recovery, raising the possibility of another recession.

前述部分撤军行动可望自加萨走廊先开始,且约旦河西岸南部城镇伯利恒和希布伦亦可能撤军。The aforesaid pullback may start from the Gaza Strip. Furthermore, troops may also be pulled out from Bethlehem and Hebron.

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就算是仍在盈利的公司,也抱怨银行消极作法,称这将扼杀美国经济复苏萌芽。Still profitable firms complain of a major pullback by banks, which many warn will leave a U.S. economic recovery stillborn.

随着股票市场的暴跌,我们耳边又充斥着消费量下降可能会引发又一轮衰退的警告声。With the stock market plunging, we've heard plenty of warnings that a "pullback" in consumer spending could trigger another recession.

总而言之,尽管目前花旗股票似乎有些超涨,预计回调至17美元的关键支撑附近会迎来买盘。In short, while seemingly overextended at the moment, expect the stock to draw in buyer in a pullback to key support around the 17 level.