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女人真麻烦。Female trouble.

艾尔弗雷德闯祸了吗?Is Alfred in trouble?

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闲太麻烦?Idle too much trouble?

对不起,给你添麻烦了。Sorry for the trouble.

我罟数学学起来很费劲。I have trouble in math.

这是自找苦吃。It's asking for trouble.

我学数学有问题。I have trouble with math.

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麻烦可能再次爆发。Trouble could flare anew.

他有很多麻烦,腾达路由器初始密码。He is in a lot of trouble.

他憋足了劲儿要找麻烦。He's spoiling for trouble.

这件麻烦事很是让我心烦。The trouble irks me a lot.

请你偏劳吧。Can I trouble you to do it?

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别跟我捣乱!Don't make trouble with me!

别费心归还了。Don't trouble to return it.

他憋足了劲要找麻烦。He is spoiling for trouble.

我听不太清。I'm having trouble hearing.

打搅您一下。May I trouble you a minute?

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哦,那并没有费多大的周折。Oh, that! Not much trouble.

他们再次碰到了麻烦。Again they got into trouble.

狗可能有很多麻烦。Dogs canbe a lot of trouble.