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医生说他是妄想狂。The doctor says that he is paranoiac.

买黄金的人是地球上最多疑的人。People who trade gold are the most paranoiac on the planet.

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“傲慢与偏见”是人类个性价值的两种偏执的自我取向。Pride and prejudice are attributed to two kinds of personal paranoiac value.

我感到了一个偏执狂肯定会有的感觉,但只有我知道自己没有发疯、偏执。I felt the way a paranoiac must feel, only I knew I was not crazy or paranoiac.

这行为带有极其偏执的无意义——它们殊途同归的唯一的目的地。This action is imbued with quite paranoiac meaninglessness -the only destination of their destiny.

这行为带有极其偏执的无意义——它们殊途同归的唯一目的地。This action is imbued with quite paranoiac meaninglessness – the only destination of their destiny.

镜像使个体永远处于幻想之境,无法真正获得自我认同。It makes the subject peianent1y in paranoiac alienation and the subject can not gain a real self-identification.

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为了避免白宫再度出现偏执狂患者,记者们开始调查每个国家领导人的心理状况。To avoid another paranoiac in the White House, journalists began to probe the very psyches of the nation’s leaders.

某些反对最激烈的人甚至神经质地暗示,这些宝物一旦出境可能会被劫夺,再也回不来了。Among the most extreme opponents there were even paranoiac suggestions that once gone the art might be hijacked and never returned.

某些反对最激烈的人甚至神经质地暗示,这些宝物一旦出境可能会被劫夺,再也会不来了。Among the most extreme opponents, there were even paranoiac suggestions that once gone, the art might be hijacked and never returned.

有学者认为偏执状态似乎是介于偏执狂和偏执型精神分裂症之间的一种状态。The scholar thinks cranky condition appears is interpose at paranoiac and cranky model a kind of condition between the schizophrenia.

实际上,达利正是运用“偏执狂批判法”进入了现实另外的层面,他的感知与日常的现实显然不同。Indeed, Dalíused his very Paranoiac Critical Method to enter alternate levels of reality, in which his perceptions were markedly different from everyday reality.

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实际上,达利正是运用“偏执狂批判法”进入了现实另外的层面,他的感知与日常的现实显然不同。Indeed, Dalí used his very Paranoiac Critical Method to enter alternate levels of reality, in which his perceptions were markedly different from everyday reality.

内心激荡的愤怒和莫名的仇恨促使他用锤子把那枚无辜的的扣子砸的粉碎,唯有此才能使他那无比偏执又紧张的心松弛下来。That exciting anger and nondescript hatred made him hammer that innocent clasp into pieces, only did such action make him feel relaxed for his intense and paranoiac mind.