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22岁的安德鲁·希姆来自马里兰州。Andrew Shim is twenty-two years old, from Maryland.

我们可以利用垫铁和螺丝千斤顶来调整机器的水平度。We can adjust the levelness of the machine by means of shim and screw jack.

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工程建设现场英语五百句我们可以利用垫铁和螺丝千斤顶来调整机器的水平度。We can adjust the levelness of the machine by means of shim and screw jack.

我们不妨利用垫铁和螺丝千斤顶来调零件器的程度度。We can choose the levelness of the machine by means of shim and screw jack.

我们可能利用垫铁和螺丝千斤顶来调零件器的水平度。We can conform the levelness of the machine by means of shim and screw jack.

安德鲁·希姆和杰克·菲德曼一起在华盛顿实习。Andrew Shim and Jack Feldman are doing collegeinternship programs in Washington.

也许将中心托辊垫高几英寸来使皮带与中心接触是必需的。It may be necessary to shim roller frames several inches to contact center rolls.

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金大中的最大政治资本是他受到的迫害。"Kim Dae-Jung's greatest political capital was his persecution, " said Shim Jae-hoon.

在针对女孩的抽签中,Shim太太将球搅和了一下,然后抽出了一个素色球。In the lottery for girls, Ms. Shim mixed the box a little, then pulled out a plain ball.

并测试了铝可剥离垫片的各种性能及胶粘剂的稳定性能。The paper also studies the properties of Al peelable shim and the stability of the adhesive.

对复制前后的光变图像光栅进行的测试表明,转移后光栅的衍射效率可以高于母光栅。The results show that the diffraction efficiency of transferred OVD can be higher than that of original shim.

螺旋弹簧悬架上弹簧座的垫片丢失,也会引起弹簧变软和下垂。Loss of the shim from the coil spring seat on the coil-spring suspension will cause the spring to seem shorter and to sag.

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数百万的漂洋过海而来的廉价pc会严重打压消费者对电脑功能的预期,shim说。And shipping millions of cheap PCs could drive down consumers' expectations of what they should spend for a basic computer, Shim says.

一种中小型轧机轧辊平衡装置,主要由垫板和橡胶垫组成。The utility model relates to a balance device for medium and small sized mill rollers, mainly composed of a shim plate and a rubber pad.

申杰洪在其几十年的记者生涯中曾多次报导过金大中的新闻,他退休后担任政治顾问。Shim Jae-hoon, who covered Kim Dae-jung's career for decades as a journalist, before retiring to work as a political consultant, says Mr.

我发现可以在每个叶片的边上插入一片0.0015英寸的薄片,并适当的调整角度,再感觉一下真槽的位置。I found it is possible to insert a . 0015 inch shim alongside each slider, and, with proper control of the angle, feel the depth of the true notch.

该方法不仅简化了具有多重强峰时匀场最优化过程,而且能够扩展到包括非轴向的三维自动匀场。This method proposed herein greatly simplifies the shim optimization and is readily to be extended to three dimensions to include off- axis shimming.

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我发现可能在每个叶片的边上插入一片0.0015英寸的薄片,并适应的调整角度,再感受一下真槽的位置。I found it is possible to insert a . 0015 inch shim using every slider very goodd with proper control of the position feel the depth of the true notch.

运转中的回转窑在正常热膨胀状态下垫板与滚圈之间存在着过剩间隙,这是造成回转窑在低速运行时出现抖动与运转不平稳的原因。There is residual gap exist between shim and riding ring during rotary rotary-kiln operation. This gap will causing kiln shaking and unsteady operation.

如果你感觉如果槽太宽太低,导致琴颈不合那个槽,去找个有经验的工匠用木头填补它。If you feel that the neck does not fit the cavity because the cavity is too wide or too low, get your guitar to an experienced luthier who will "shim" it.