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加速衰老的种种积习。Practices that accelerate ageing lift.

游戏用左右键移动,下键加速。Key game around with mobile, keys accelerate.

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内心的愤世嫉俗可以加速你的学习。Your inner cynic can accelerate your learning

铁负荷可促发酒精性肝损伤。Iron load can accelerate alcohol liver damage.

改革开放是强国之路。We should accelerate the reform and opening-up.

货币改革的惨败将会加快这些趋势。The currency fiasco will accelerate these trends.

上月通货膨胀率开始增长。The inflation rates began to accelerate last month.

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惠塔克说,我们现在需要加快进程。"We now need to accelerate our progress, " said Mr.

李建华要求,要加快推进乡村文化建设。Li Jianhua required to accelerate the rural culture.

系统会朝,此方向加速。The system is going to accelerate in this direction.

你是小越多,加速迅速。The smaller you are, the more you accelerate quickly.

加快人才资源开发。We will accelerate the development of human resources.

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三是加快发展文化产业。Third, accelerate the development of cultural industry.

我如何使用加速框架与核心图形?How do I use the Accelerate Framework With Core Graphics?

所以它加快循环以及进入到阳极内速度。So it will accelerate from rest and crash into the anode.

加快培育国际型会计人才。Accelerate accounting talents of the world fostering type.

敌人的垂死挣扎只能加速他们的灭亡。The enemys dead bed struggles only accelerate their death.

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而全球经济减速将加速这种趋势。The global economic slowdown will accelerate these trends.

能使枝条快速催芽的方法有很多。There are many ways to accelerate germination of branches.

此举可以让他们缩短产品设计周期。This could allow them to accelerate product-design cycles.