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我下降“"I had made a descent."

启动下降段开始氦加压。Enables descent start He press.

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我是东印度裔加拿大人。I'm Canadian of East Indian descent.

出生于1986年6月27日可以。韩裔可以。Born on June 27, 1986. Korean descent.

也有非洲人的后裔,and there are people of African descent

不论你是黑种人,白种人,黄种人。You're black, white, beige, chola descent.

无论你是黑种人,白种人,黄种人。You're black, white, beige, chola descent.

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下山花了两个小时。The descent of the mountain took two hours.

退化是从灵魂向物质的降落。Involution is the descent of spirit into matter.

但是帕桑不为之所动,于是他们开始下撤。Pasang is immovable, and they start the descent.

道路一过湖泊便陡然下倾。The road makes sharp descent just past the lake.

但是只看到它慢慢沉下时的磷光。But there was only the light of its slow descent.

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道路一过湖泊便陡然下倾。The road makes a sharp descent just past the lake.

他的血统可追溯至一个古老的诺尔曼家族。He traced his descent back to an old Norman family.

我住在奥齐戈县,但是我有芬兰的血统。I live in Otsego County but I'm of Finnish descent.

达尔文阐明了物种的起源。Darwin stated that the species originate by descent.

所以在这个例子中,血统并不代表什么。Thus fleshly descent meant nothing in this instance.

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作为锡伯族的后裔,射箭是我的热爱。Being a descent of Xibo People, archery is my passion.

美国的阿拉伯人后裔有三百多万。More than three million Americans are of Arab descent.

那条路在转角处造成一陡峻的斜坡。The road makes a sharp descent just around the corner.