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她有一个忘恩负义、怀恨于心的家庭。Her family are ungrateful and spiteful.

有没有错亏心事,不怕!Have wrong ungrateful perform, not afraid!

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尽管我做了这一切,可她仍然不领情。After all I had done, she was still ungrateful.

我并非不领情,但是我真的想要一个孩子。I'm not ungrateful. But I would like to have a baby.

对于不领情的人来说浪费感情是一种错误。It is a mistake to lavish kindness ungrateful people.

对忘恩风义的人太好是错误的。It is a mistake to lavish kindness on ungrateful people.

对不知好歹的人释以善意是愚蠢的。It is a mistake to lavish kindness to ungrateful people.

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告诉惠特福德先生,你已经知道了你过去是多么不成器。Tell Mr. Whitford how ungrateful you know you have been.

费金已告诉他,逃跑是件忘恩负义的事。Fagin had told O liver how ungrateful he had been to run away.

男人心存私念时千万别忘了仙女也都是女人。Men who are ungrateful bastards should remember fairies are female.

这看起来好像是小孩子的逆反,是一种普遍的忘恩负义。It seems to be "rebellion" of the kids a universal ungrateful behavior.

科学家们以为,不知感恩的人理论上是掩耳盗铃。Ungrateful people are actually cheating themselves, scientists believe.

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如果应邀到某人家中赴宴,别吃了还不领情。If invited to someone's house for dinner, don't be one of he ungrateful fed.

他用慈爱培养起来的儿女也可能变的不忠不孝。His son or daughter that he has reared with loving care may prove ungrateful.

你们好心留我过夜,所以我不想说些不知好歹的话。You were kind enough to let me spend the night, so I do not mean to sound ungrateful.

没想到罗某没良心的说他现在没有钱,要不你去法院告我。Did not expect Luomou ungrateful to say that he had no money, or you go to court sue me.

太可怕了,他竟然对朋友们的帮助如此不领情。It's monstrous that he should be so ungrateful for all the help his friends have given him.

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请不要认为我不领情,我们有工作和很好的生活环境,而且我们很健康。Please don't think me ungrateful. We have jobs and a nice place to live, and we're healthy.

兔子和年轻人离开了,只剩下那只不知感恩的老虎在深坑里大声咆哮。The hare and the young man went away. leaving the ungrateful tiger howling in the deep hole.

他天天拿着它走进走出,却丝毫不领我的情,更别说给我一个!He carries it day in and day out and the ungrateful little twerp won't even let me have one piece!