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你突然显得那么急切,这是什么意思?What sudden eagerness is this you evince?

在我认为它是表明的正确时间之后。After that I think it's the right time to evince.

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斗争的本质就是表明自己的厌恶之情。The intrinsic value of tussle is to evince one's aversion.

最后她才纡贵屈尊地表示出她注意到他在旁边。She at last condescended to evince awareness of his proximity.

希刺克厉夫,你听了我这个好消息为什么不表示满意呢?Heathcliff, why don't you evince satisfaction at my pleasant news?

对于某个年龄层的人,像这样的轶事令人有怀旧的感觉。For people of a certain age, such anecdotes might evince something like nostalgia.

直面我们所遇到的任何困难,无所畏惧地活着吧!Live life without fear, confront all obstacles and evince that you can overcome them.

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勇于面对阻碍,事实证明你可以超越它们。Live life without fear, confront all obstacles and evince that you can overcome then.

此时此刻,我们一定要保持冷静与睿智,不要放纵情感。This is the time that we must evince calm and wise restraint. Emotions must not run wild.

诚如我们所知,书中也没有包含对银行家和会计们看见那些工厂或是森林而感到一丝惊奇的描写。Nor, as far as we know, did his bankers or accountants evince the least bit of curiosity about seeing these places.

这个比喻的目的,是要表明由我们想象的天使们的样子,带来的模糊和困惑。Now, the purpose of this simile is to evince the indistinctness and the confusion produced by our vision of the fallen angels.

中国沿海地区及主要城市展示了巨额的财富,但中国西部大片区域却仍深陷贫困之中。While coastal China and its major metropolises evince tremendous wealth, large swaths of Western China remain mired in poverty.

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但是最近几个星期,他借用印度人绝食来唤起政治改革的甘地传统,大幅提升自己的形象。He has sharply escalated his profile in recent weeks, however, by invoking India's Gandhian tradition of fasting to evince political change.

陛下,陛下对我的仁慈已超过了我所希望的最高报偿,我已别无所求了。Sire, the kindness your majesty deigns to evince towards me is a recompense which so far surpasses my utmost ambition that I have nothing more to ask for.

他打定主意,只要可能,就要阻止他们,然而他母亲同样听到了饭桌边的这番谈话,却丝毫没有不赞成的表示。He was determined to prevent it, if possible, though his mother, who equally heard the conversation which passed at table, did not evince the least disapprobation.

如此一来,地方色彩作家呈现后殖民作者之双重视野特色,一方面著眼于霸权的读者,另一方面著眼于本土题材。Local-colorists thus evince the "double vision" characteristic of the postcolonial author who has one eye on the hegemonic audience and the other on their native subjects.

不论因为什么样的原因,使朗朗在这样一个有着众多技艺高超的钢琴家的领域里,深受听众的喜爱,有一点是肯定的,那就是他享受他自己所从事的事业。But whatever makes Lang Lang so beloved among audiences, in a field where thousands of other pianists evince perfect technique, surely includes his own enjoyment of what he does.

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这些患者中面部识别“扩展”网络的组成部分——连接VOTC和前颞与额叶皮质的白质束的结构完整性降低。These individuals evince a reduction in the structural integrity of the white matter tracts connecting VOTC to anterior temporal and frontal cortices, part of the "extended" face network.

我长篇大论的回复了他一些我当时所学到的,虽然并不多,事实上也只是表示了在到达军团之前,必须要有优越的身体状态。I responded with a lengthy dissertation on what I'd so far learn, which wasn't much at the time, and was really only able to evince the need to be in exceptional physical condition before arriving.