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所以何必撒谎呢?So why lie?

平躺在地板上。Lie on the floor.

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让我躺在他的身旁吧。Let me lie by him.

一次说谎,百次圆谎。One lie makes many.

站起来,躺下去。Stand up. Lie down.

这纯粹是一个谎言。This was a total lie.

不要让他们睡懒觉。Don't let them lie in.

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我躺在卧榻上。I'll lie on the couch.

有仁心者不说谎话。A good heart cants lie.

你的所有的爱全是谎言。All your love is a lie.

另一个谎言则才开始。And another lie begins.

他极不愿意虚伪地生活。He hated to live a lie.

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别整天吊儿郎当无所事事。Don't lie about all day.

不要说谎或夸大其词。Don't lie or exaggerate.

他不屑于撒谎。He scorns to tell a lie.

我不能任人指控我撒谎。I wouldn't take the lie.

会笑的眼和说谎的脸。Laugh eyes and lie face.

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会笑的眼和说谎的脸。Laugh heys and lie face.

但是我决定不去说谎。So we decide not to lie.

李群胚上的作用。Actions on Lie groupoids.