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胸肉可及肘部。Brisket reaching to just below elbows.

用盐和黑胡椒略腌牛肉。Season the brisket with the salt and pepper.

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将牛胸肉炖至酥烂,约需要3个小时零15分钟。Braise brisket until tender, about 3 hours 15 minutes.

黎渊窝在她怀里闷闷的应了。The lair of Li Yuan is very stuffy in her brisket ought.

我到现在还没遇到一个PMH的护士没有炖过我的牛胸肉。I haven't met a PMH nurse yet that doesn't braise my brisket.

腹部适度收起,从胸部延伸过来形成一条曲线。Belly well tucked up, extending in a curved line from the brisket.

沈鸿一手揣在怀里,一手举着油灯下来。The Chen Hong skill Chuai raises oil lamp down all solo in the brisket.

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胸部深度达到肘部,并向后逐渐向上倾斜,适度上提。Brisket reaches to the elbow and slopes gradually to a moderate tuck-up.

说时便从怀中拿出交给了玉芙蓉。Then took out to hand over to jade lotus from the brisket meantime saying.

胸肉即牛胸部肉,在剑状软骨处,随胸肉的自然走向剥离,取自上部的肉即为牛胸肉。Cut along the natural direction of brisket at xiphoid and get the top meat.

腌牛肉通常以牛的后腰臀肉,牛胸肉或肩肉做原料。Corned beef is generally made form cuts of the round brisket plate or chuck.

锅离火,将粘在锅上的棕色块状物刮下,并一起倒在牛胸肉上。Remove from heat, scrape up any browned bits, and pour mixture over brisket.

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肩胛骨和前臂骨都足够长,给予胸部足够的深度。Both shoulder blades and upper arm are long, permitting depth of chest at the brisket.

在这里介绍一款光明节食谱,是传统的啤酒跟辣椒酱融合的炖牛胸肉。Our recipe for Hanukkah is a variation on the traditional beer and chili sauce-braised brisket.

在牛,病灶起始于头和颈部,然后传播到大腿内侧、颈部、胸部以及尾根。In cattle, lesions start on head and neck then spread to inner thigh, neck, brisket and tail head.

而与此同时,他们还不忘于午餐时间打电话去叫一份广东叉烧肉和一碗牛肚面。But at the same time they phone in their lunch orders for Cantonese roast pork and beef brisket noodles.

锅里放洋葱块和芹菜段,把肉平铺上去,加辣椒酱,啤酒,咖啡。Add the onions and celery to the pot, then set the brisket over them. Add the chili sauce, beer and coffee.

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小貂从南宫恋雯怀里出了,摇晃着尾巴,往伊雪的内殿奔去。Small sable the temple adore a Wen brisket from the south, flutter tail, rush toward the adytum of Yi snow.

找一只大的荷兰烤肉锅,把油加热,放入牛肉煎到每一面呈棕黄,每面大概3-4分钟。In a large Dutch oven over high, heat the oil. Add the brisket and sear until browned all over, 3 to 4 minutes per side.

身躯结合紧密,背线水平,前部宽,胸深,肋骨支撑良好,腰部较轻。The body is close coupled, with a level topline, wide front, deep brisket and well sprung ribs being rather light in the loins.