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接下来的几个月混混沌沌地过去。The next few months passed in a blur.

潮纸因墨水弄上污渍。The damp paper caused the ink to blur.

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那天所发生的事情是简直就是一片模糊,记不清楚。The events of that day were just a blur.

一个上午就这样浑浑噩噩地过去了。The rest of the morning passed in a blur.

我的眼睛视力有点模糊,有点胀痛。My vision is blur and I have swollen eyes.

接下来的三个月一晃而过,发生的一些事我已记不清了。The next three months rushed by in a blur.

它奔驰如电,恰似一道朦胧的黑影。It ran like a streak, just a blur of black.

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我需要配一副眼镜,因为我的视力模糊。I need to wear a lens, for my sight is blur.

阿多泪眼朦胧地抬头看着她。Ardo looked up through the blur of his tears.

随着咆哮声和模糊的身影,他们发动了攻击。With snarls and a blur of motion THEY ATTACK.

发出骇人的鬣狗般的笑声,然后是动作模糊的画面。Hideous hyena laughter, then a blur of motion.

模糊是曝光一秒钟的结果。The blur is courtesy of a one-second exposure.

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一道耀眼的阳光正抹过他的头发。A blur of sunlight was crawling across his hair.

然而,今年上述界限开始模糊起来。This year, however, that line has begun to blur.

应用滤镜,如倒角,发光之类Have filters, such as blur or glow effects, applied

日日夜夜都是治疗报告。The days and nights were a blur of medical reports.

随着一声尖啸,它们突然间发起了攻击。With sharp snarls and a blur of motion they attack.

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善恶间的分界线已经变得模糊了。The line between good and evil is beginning to blur.

车遇到红灯停了下来,这时一个模糊的身影吸引了我的注意。At a stoplight a blur of movement draws my attention.

那天的其余时间只剩下一个个模糊的活动与冲击。The rest of that day is a blur of activity and shock.