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她“咯咯”笑着作为回应。She'd gurgle in response.

他发出一阵很低的咯咯的笑声。He gave a low gurgle of laughter.

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他把啤酒咕噜一下喝了下去。He let the beer gurgle down the throat.

他咕噜咕噜地喝起了可乐。He let the coke gurgle down his throat.

泉水淙淙。The fountain flows with a merry gurgle.

他可以听到你的心跳和肚子咕噜的声音。He might hear your heart beat or your tummy gurgle.

水发着响亮的汩汩声流下了排水洞。The water went down the plughole with a loud gurgle.

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我们能听到水拍打船体时的哗哗声。We could hear the swish and gurgle of water against the hull.

小溪偶尔流经一块石头时,便会汨汨作响地从旁边绕过。Now and again the little stream would gurgle where it flowed around a stone.

宾克穿过一片海燕麦田,他听到燕麦发出欢快的窸窣声和汩汩的海潮声。Bink passed a field of sea oats, hearing the pleasant swish and gurgle of their oceanic tides.

“他最有力的话语,是情绪咕嘟树皮即是说”我怀念你!His most eloquent utterance is the emotional gurgle of barks that means to say I've missed you!

不过这种场合下他是那个应该感到荣耀的快乐的小伙子,或者其它场合,步履蹒跚的人会偷走他的胜利。But there will be occasions to come where he deserves the glory and gurgle boy or lurch will steal it.

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她的姐姐马乔里猛地用力把碟子放进洗碟机里,几分钟后,机器开始发出咕嘟咕嘟的嗡嗡声。Her sister, Marjorie, slams plates into the dishwasher, and a few minutes later it begins to gurgle and hum.

从我们那里,那溪流的声音,那咯咯声响跟那快速拍打声在议论着那溪流,但被那些石头堵住。From where we were, the sound of the creek, the gurgle and slapping talk of the creek, was blocked off by rocks.

当我的家人在我们居住的僻静郊区的街上一起散步时,陌生人总会兴奋地逗这可爱的小孩。When our family promenaded the streets of our quiet suburb, strangers would gurgle excitedly over the cute baby.

片刻之后,附近房间里传来一名卓尔女性的尖叫声——惊骇的尖叫最后变成了含混的汩汩声。A moment later, the scream of an elven female came from a nearby chamber—a scream that began in terror and ended in a liquid gurgle.

如果你看过电影的话,你会憎恶这个角色,你甚至想钻进屏幕杀掉他,割开他的喉咙,看着他一命呜呼。He makes you hate him. You want to kill him, to jump into the screen and cut his throat to watch him gasp and gurgle his last breath.

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想到看你喜爱的宝宝开心的玩耍?让她穿上这件令人愉悦的公主粉茄克吧,茄克正面还有一个大大的心形图案呢。Want to see your favorite toddler darling gurgle with glee? Wrap her in this delightful jacket in a princess-worthy color with a big, quilted hear.

抬起头,镶在两条湿湿的黑边儿里,一带白而发亮的水便呈现于眼前了。If you come near to the mountain, you hear the gurgle and plash, and looking up see a belt of sparkling white water edged by two moist black borders.

英国育婴网站gurgle.com在针对1000名媳妇的调查中发现,7成的英国媳妇认为自己的婆婆"令人难以忍受"。According to a survey of 1,000 daughters-in-law by parenting website, 7 in 10 women have confided that they can't stand their husband's mother.