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于是见他装上灭音器,一枪把他毙了!You can put a silencer on a gun.

一把带着消音器的枪立即开火了。A gun with a silencer fires once.

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我在枪上装上消声器,杰夫也把消音器安好。I put the silencer on my gun and Jeff did the same.

这个装备也可装备安装消声器的手枪。The weapon can fire a pistol fitted with a silencer.

一次,有人问他怎么想到马克西姆消音器这个点子。Once he was asked how he got the idea for the Maxim Silencer.

本文探讨了消声器设计与正交试验。This paper covers the design and orthogonal test of silencer.

这只猴子王抓着我的胳膊并用手枪的消声器顶着我的肋骨。The monkey king grabbed my arm and pressed the silencer against my ribs.

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—有了新的AOE的沉默能够让对手从3级开始就空魔。Now with new AOE cots silencer can make enemy mana pool 0 from level 3 already.

女巫成了致命的护士,而班柯被消音手枪刺杀。The witches are deadly nurses and Banquo is assassinated by handgun and silencer.

我的舌头可以舔到枪管上我们凿出来的一个个消音孔。With my tongue I can feel the silencer holes we drilled into the barrel of the gun.

全自动手枪。9公厘口径。30发。中等射程。可选配消音器。Fully automatic machine pistol . 9mm 30 shot clip. Medium-range weapon. Optional silencer.

内置微处理器控制包括加载时间、无负荷报警、报警灯和消音器。Built-in Microprocessor Control Includes load time, no-load alarm, alarm light and silencer.

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Kellerman也看到了警察,他迅速地将一个消声器连到他的枪管上。Kellerman also sees the police cars and quickly attaches a silencer to the barrel of his gun.

蒸汽喷孔处采用特殊的消音构造,确保蒸汽喷出时无啸声噪音。Steam spray hole silencer special structure to ensure that the steam out without howling noise.

他从外套中拔出手枪,在铁栏间瞄准了馆长。The albino drew a pistol from his coat and aimed the long silencer through the bars, directly at the curator.

新试制的消声器各项性能均优于原机消声器。The new and trial-manufactured silencer excelled the silencer of original machine on each item of performances.

主、辅柴油机的排气通过排气管、消音器由烟囱排至大气中。The exhaust of main, auxiliary engine is discharged to the atmosphere through funnel via exhaust pipe, silencer.

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风机的轴承,油封及消声器,叶片等属于消耗品,故有一定寿命,需定期更换。The bearing, oil seal, silencer and leaf of the fan are wearing parts with limited life and should be changed periodically.

外型一样,价格一样,分为消声排气管尾段和改装直排排气管尾段。Like appearance, price, as mentioned at the end into the exhaust pipe silencer and modified vertical exhaust pipe tail section.

最后,根据理论分析和试验数据,得到了筒式阻性消声器的适应流速范围。At last, according to the theoretical analysis and experimental data, the aerodynamic quality of dissipative silencer is summarized.