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他下令将两个队长斩首。He ordered to behead the two leaders.

亨利八世下令将安波林斩首。Henry VIII gave the order to behead Anne Boleyn.

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如果他失败,帕尔帕丁威胁要对这位元帅处以斩首。If he failed, Palpatine threatened to behead the Grand Admiral.

我们可能比关公还要过更多的“关”We may have more "passes" to go through and more "enemy generals" to behead.

是因为犹太人不会和我们彼此之间折磨和斩首,傻瓜。How about because Jews don't torture and behead us as well as each other, idiot.

这种情况并非罕见削减手中偷窃和斩首有人更令人发指的罪行。It is not uncommon to cut hands for stealing and behead someone for more heinous crimes.

得到来自阿瑞斯的链刃神力之后,奎托斯在最后的决战中斩下了蛮族首领的头颅!Got the power of chain blades from Ares, he was able to behead the Barbarian King in the final battle.

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华盛顿一女子因涉嫌企图用往复式电锯砍掉熟睡中的丈夫的头而被警方逮捕。Washington woman is behind bars after allegedly attempting to behead her sleeping husband with a reciprocating saw.

他斩妖除魔,深入魔界获得魔灵,从而拉开了与魔界弘大的战争。His behead bewitching divides demon, thorough devildom obtains evil spirit, pulled open as grand as devildom battle thereby.

司棋,你家出大祸了,你哥哥被人拘起来,听说就要砍头了。Take charge of chess, huge calamity in your house, your elder brother is got up at the Ju, listen to be approximately to behead.

这些风,如果够强,可以斩断正在形成的风暴系统,即简单的吹散它们。These winds, if strong enough, can behead storm systems that are beginning to organize into a hurricane by literally blowing them away.

就派米息雅的军长阿颇罗尼率领二万二千人,命他杀尽了年富力强的壮丁,把妇女与幼童出卖。Antiochus also sent Apollonius with an army of twenty-two thousand soldiers with orders to behead all the grown men and sell the women and children.

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现在只有一个机会能让本重获自由,那就是参加电视台的“过关斩将”节目并最终获胜。Only an opportunity can make this recovery free now, enter a TV station namely then " behead of pass a barrier will " the program wins victory finally.

在调查完一具妇女的尸体后,我们的大侦探和他手下的警官们一起来到了一家古董店。那位妇女在这里买了一条项链,并听到一群人似乎在讨论要砍谁的头。After investigating a womans dead body the detective and the officer with him go to a antique shop where the woman got a necklace and see some people about to behead someone.

倚天剑也好,屠龙刀也罢,都只是兵器,正义之士用它来斩妖降魔,邪恶的将之沦为“凶器”。Lean on day sword it may not be a bad idea, massacre dragon knife, it is enginery only, of justice person come with it behead bewitching falls demon, evil will reduce " lethal weapon ".

一些被逮捕的强盗很嫉恨他,所以诬陷他是他们一伙的。于是办案的官员就把他逮捕了,还要把他和那些强盗一些处斩。Some captured bandits who held a grudge against him said that the bartender was one of their gang, so the judge in charge of the case had him hauled in to behead him with the rest of them.

2005年一份针对验尸报告做的研究显示在43名被电死的罪犯中,他们最明显的伤口是在头和腿被放置电极的地方。Ananalysis in 2005 of post-mortem remains from 43 prisoners sentenced todeath by electrocution found the most common visible injuries to behead and leg burns where the electrodes were attached.