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暴力犯罪仅危害现代社会的弊病之一。Violent crime is only one of the maladies afflicting modern society.

并不尽然。但耶路撒冷的暴乱给人造成的困扰,如出一辙。Not quite. But the riots afflicting Jerusalem are worrying, all the same.

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积之既久,失眠成病,成了折磨我几十年的终生痼疾。Losing sleep became insomnia gradually, a chronic disease afflicting me in my life.

在定义上的范围蔓延困扰着机器学习反映了这些挑战。The definitional scope creep afflicting the machine learning arena mirrors these challenges.

而10年来葡萄牙可怜的经济低增长率加深了困扰整个经济体的问题。In Portugal a decade of wretchedly low growth testified to problems afflicting the whole economy.

当这些释放不同化学信号的牛被转移到其它地方时,整个牛群中蚊蝇的数量马上又会增多起来。When these individuals were moved to another field the number of flies afflicting the herd increased.

75节是约瑟的真实写照吗?是神在让他受苦吗?或者让他受苦的是波提乏的妻子?Is verse 75 true of Joseph? Was the LORD afflicting him? Or was it Potiphar's wife who had afflicted him?

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墨西哥湾的石油泄漏可谓飞来横祸,近海石油勘探的危险也由此可见一斑。The oil catastrophe afflicting the Gulf of Mexico underscores just how dangerous offshore oil exploration can be.

政府已经将2200万美元花在了这种会在塔斯马尼亚袋獾之间传染的肿瘤上。Twenty-two million dollars has been committed by government to manage the contagious cancer afflicting Tasmanian devils.

虽然洪水正在使全球遭灾,但最近的欧洲洪水是一个例子,显示了洪水已经变得多么极端。Although flooding is afflicting the globe worldwide, the recent European flooding is an example of how extreme it has become.

幡然醒悟的李广胜想赶紧脱离这浑水,可被上田威胁带路,难以走开,。Now afflicting Li Guangsheng want to hurry out of the muddy waters, to be on the field to lead the way, threatening to go away,.

大趋势依然是增长将很强劲,足以使中国应付影响中国经济的各种压力。The base case remains that growth will be strong enough for China to muddle through the various stresses afflicting its economy.

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在众多不明朗因素仍然影响市场下,我们依旧认为应该于价格上升的时候沽出风险交易。Against the background of the many and varied uncertainties still afflicting markets we maintain our sell on rallies view on risk trades.

这一令人堪忧的消息不仅强调了这家曾经引以自豪的老牌投行如履薄冰的现状,而且加深了整条华尔街所遭受的痛苦。The grim news at Lehman underscores not only the precarious state of that once-proud firm but also the pain afflicting the whole of Wall Street.

我们的非洲、亚洲以及美国的东部地区都在饱受严重干旱的折磨,你也许会问这个消息会给地球的烦恼带来福音呢?With severe drought afflicting Africa, Asia and the southern United States, you might ask whether this offers a solution to earthly afflictions.

如果安第斯山脉将褶皱并起伏,美国将预期西海岸同样会破裂,伴随着火山活动与火山灰,影响到西海岸大部分地区。If the Andes will rumple and heave, the US can anticipate the West Coast to rupture also, afflicting most of the West Coast with volcanic activity and ash.

并使用贫化铀弹等非人道的武器,不但使痛苦临现在伊拉克民众而且毒害胎儿,扩展战争害未来。Inhumane weapons such as depleted uranium is not only afflicting exiting residents but also contaminating unborn child to extend the war damage to the future.

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此外,由于中国经济高度依赖出口和外国投资,这就使得如今全球经济的不确定性也在对中国人造成不利影响。And China's heavy reliance on exports and foreign investment ensures that the uncertainties now afflicting the global economy are haunting the Chinese as well.

他们仍然无条件地响应了,一个正困扰着他们国家最高机构的深刻的合法性危机,以及他们想象的看门狗——媒体。Still, they respond, however incoherently, to a profound crisis of legitimacy afflicting their country's highest institutions, and their supposed watchdog, the media.

沿长江有很多依靠煤炭的发电站,干旱已经加剧电力短缺,导致了一些省份的用电苦恼。Electricity plants that use coal are scattered all along the Yangtze, and the drought has worsened electricity shortages that had already been afflicting some provinces.