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不过我不会觉得自己成了一个加纳人。but I won't feel Ghanaian.

第二辆车插着加纳的三角旗。The second car was flying the Ghanaian pennant.

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在这群人当中还有一个加纳人和他的德国舍友。There's a Ghanaian in the crowd with his German roommate.

切尔西两年前花费了两千四百多万将埃辛从里昂挖来。Chelsea splashed 24 million-plus to land Ghanaian Essien from Lyon two years ago.

在世卫组织的帮助下,加纳政府已草拟新的精神卫生法。With WHO assistance, the Ghanaian Government has drafted a new mental health law.

最近他与西非健康官员在加纳首都阿克拉会面。He recently met with West African health officials in the Ghanaian capital, Accra.

加纳人阿萨莫阿吉安前锋荣获英国广播公司非洲足球先生。The ghanaian striker asamoah gyan has been voted bbc african footballer of the year.

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一名加纳维和人员和另外一名联合国雇员与几名平民一起遇难。Ghanaian peacekeeper and another UN employee were killed along with several civilians.

一名加纳维和人员和另外一名联合国雇员与几名平民一起遇难。A Ghanaian peacekeeper and another UN employee were killed along with several civilians.

他是第三位荣膺此项荣誉的加纳球员,这是完全由球迷选举产生的非洲主要的足球奖项。He's a third Ghanaian to win the title, Africa's only major football prize awarded exclusively by fans.

米兰的希望之星金斯利博阿滕将进行膝盖手术,休战一个月。AC Milan's young Ghanaian forward Kingsley Boateng has been sidelined for a month after sustaining a knee injury.

热那亚已经从朴茨茅斯正式签下加纳中场凯文-普林斯博阿滕,同时把其租借至AC米兰一个赛季。Genoa have signed Ghanaian midfielder Kevin Prince-Boateng from Portsmouth and have loaned him to AC Milan for one season.

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在阿克拉的科托卡国际机场的贵宾室里,加纳领导人等候着总统和第一夫人的到来。Ghanaian leaders await the arrival of the President and First Lady in a private room at Accra's Kotoka International Airport.

预料担任非盟主席的加纳总统库福尔也将在未来几天中发起一项调停努力。The head of the African Union, Ghanaian President John Kufuor, is also expected to lead mediation efforts in the coming days.

明年1月,潘基文将接替已完成两个五年任期的加纳人科菲·安南。Ban would take office next January to replace Kofi Annan, a Ghanaian who steps down after having completed two five-year terms.

这位21岁的加纳人是本赛季意乙联赛中的明星,吸引了阿森纳和国米的关注。The 21-year-old Ghanaian has been one of the stars of Serie B this season and that saw both Arsenal and Internazionale attracted.

温家宝总理对库福尔总统以及加纳政府和人民的热情友好接待表示感谢。Premier Wen Jiabao thanked President Kufuor and the Ghanaian Government and people for their warm reception and gracious hospitality.

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新华社还引述加纳一名移民官员的话称,其中一些被逮捕的中国人被发现逾期逗留。Xinhua also cited a Ghanaian immigration official as saying that some of the Chinese detainees were also found to have been overstaying.

同日,外交部长杨洁篪也就中加建交50周年与加纳外长穆穆尼互致贺电。On the same day, Foreign Minister Yang Jiechi also exchanged congratulatory messages with his Ghanaian counterpart Alhaji Muhammad Mumuni.

就实而论,Chua在她的文章中也表达了对和中国文化相关的不认同,“实际上我用‘中国妈妈’来定义是不够严谨的,就我所知,韩国、印度、牙买加、爱尔兰和加纳的父母的教子之方也是如此。”"I'm using the term 'Chinese mother' loosely, " she writes. "I know Korean, Indian, Jamaican, Irish and Ghanaian parents who qualify too."