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他机敏地截住球。He fielded the ball smartly.

他巧妙地将球接住。He fielded the ball smartly.

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你想玩的话你就用英语耍酷嘛。If you do, use English smartly.

你想玩的话你就用英语耍酷嘛。If you do, use English smartly. If.

卫兵非常精神地向将军行礼。The guard saluted the general smartly.

她的小鞋子穿来恰到好处。Her little shoes now fitted her smartly.

手腕关节刺痛是否是腱鞘炎?Whether is artifice joint tenosynovitis smartly?

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他已经刮好了胡子,穿戴整齐,看上去很得体。He has already shaved, dressed up and looks smartly.

一位衣着时髦的中年女士走了进来,然后坐下。A smartly dressed, middle-aged lady came in and sat down.

看看吧,哈根达斯最后又很聪明地回到了公司的核心使命——生产冰激凌上了。Again, smartly tying it back to the company’s core mission.

他口才很好,穿着得体的三件套西服。He's an eloquent man, smartly dressed in a three-piece suit.

但在随后的一年,该国经济迅速反弹。But its economy bounced back smartly in the years that followed.

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在面试时,你应该穿着得体适当。For the interview itself you should dress smartly and appropriately.

一声令下,全连战士迅速排成三列横队。On the word of command, the company formed smartly into three ranks.

在这个镇中,他很潇洒的买下了50亩地,他需要很大的空间。He very smartly bought 50 "mu" of land in this town. He NEEDS the big space.

质地轻盈更易吸收,锁住水分,智能调节肌肤水平衡。Reserve water with mild nature and easy absorption, smartly balance water in skin.

勃克·穆利根朝镜下瞅了一眼,赶快阖上钵。Buck Mulligan peeped an instant under the mirror and then covered the bowl smartly.

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可是,我买不起新的夜礼服,而所有参加这次聚会的人肯定会穿得非常漂亮的。But I can't afford to buy a new gown, everybody else there will be so smartly dressed.

班长令卫队立正并向检阅官敬礼。The sergeant brought the guard smartly to attention and saluted the inspecting officer.

弗农姨父这回用指关节重重地又敲了一阵,可那蛇仍然不动一下。Uncle Vernon rapped the glass smartly with his knuckles, but the snake just snoozed on.