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旋律,旋律?A melody. A melody?

她哼哼着悦耳的乐调。She hummed a melody.

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哪一首有旋律Which one had the melody?

八音盒的旋律是如此悲伤。Music box melody is so sad.

这是一段很跳进的旋律It's a very disjunct melody.

我们来听辨一下旋律。We've identified the melody.

这首歌的旋律真美。This song has a perfect melody.

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是低音的部分还是主调的部分Is it in the bass or the melody?

预言的回声发出悲凉的曲调。Prophetic echoes flung dim melody.

那个旋律仍然在她的耳际荡。The melody still rang in her ears.

上面这条有旋律,有节奏Up here we have melody and rhythm.

我们有小提琴演奏旋律。We have a violinist play a melody.

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红与黑是一支激扬的旋律。Red and black are a inspirit melody.

但是,古典音乐也有旋律啊。Well,but classical music has melody.

旋律位于织体的哪里呢Where does melody sit in the texture?

歌唱是说带曲儿的话。Singing is speaking words with melody.

主调接着由横笛合奏。The melody is next taken up by flutes.

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当你歌声的甘露散发着Whilst the dews of your melody scatter

在某种程度上,贝多芬挽救了这段旋律Beethoven, in a way, saved this melody.

史诗的演唱充满了丰富的音乐性和节奏感。It is rich in musical melody and rhythm.