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有错误,当初始化您的显示卡时。There was an error while initializing your video card.

端口正在初始化。等一会儿再拔号。Biplex port is initializing. Wait a few seconds and redial.

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然后我打印X的值,如此这般,初始化点,点,点。I then print X's now such and such, initializing dot, dot, dot.

重复前面初始化主节点的前三个步骤。Repeat the first three steps above for initializing the master node.

我初始化一个变量,等于s1的字符串长度。N So, I'm initializing a variable called N to the string length of s1.

要使每一个类别对于初始化和列印自己负责。Let's make each class responsible for initializing and printing itself.

只有第一个和正在初始化的相关性设置会保持在日志中。Only the first and initializing correlation set is persisted in the log.

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初始套件资讯时发生无法解决的问题。An unresolvable problem occurred while initializing the package information.

MATLAB软体中阵列的初始化与使用,以及使用样本资料集做线性模型。Initializing and using matrices in MATLAB?. Linear modelling in a sample data set.

如果您尝试使用它们而未首先对其进行初始化,则会获得运行时异常。If you try to use them without initializing them, you will get a run-time exception.

在初始化父类以后,将参考存储到发票数据以便今后使用。After initializing the parent class, store a reference to the invoice data for later.

该初始化方法同时可作为H-MLP网络的一种快速训练算法。This initializing method can also be used as fast training algorithm for H-MLP network.

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按步就班的,我们从引入必要的模块和初始化全局数据结构开始。As usual, we start by loading necessary modules and initializing global data structures.

此功能用配置的设置对提供者进行一定程度的初始化。What this does is initializing the provider with the configured settings to a certain extent.

构造派生类型的对象包括构造和初始化宾所有基类子对象。Constructing an object of derived type involves constructing and initializing all its base subobjects.

并通过初始化仿真参数及R&M&S综合参数仿真结果以证明。The results of simulation are proved by initializing simulation parameter and R&M&S synthetical parameter.

以下清单中的值都是文字,这是初始化阵列时最常见的情况。The values in the following listing are all literals, which is the most common case when initializing arrays.

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希望能够用另一个向量中的值对一个无限随机向量进行初始化。We would like to have the option of initializing an infinite random vector with the values in another vector.

特别是在初始化模拟器时很慢,根据你的硬件情况,需要花较长时间。In particular, initializing the emulator can be slow and can take several minutes, depending on your hardware.

下面显示了如何把数据初始化为默认值并指定要渲染的匹配文本的位置。Initializing the data to default values and specifying locations for the match text to be rendered is shown below.